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Preparedness Notes for Wednesday – May 17, 2017

New Blog Format

Today’s preparedness notes focuses on change. The change readers have seen in the blog makes finding information easier as well as introduces the blog to new readers.  SurvivalBlog has changed its format, but the same high quality, original content is still there.

We have a new schedule for Odds ‘n Sods as well as Economics and Investing.

Both columns will still have as much information as they used to but with an expanded commentary in them. This will allow us to focus more in-depth on subjects as they come up. We now publish the columns every other day, but you will see more than double the information in each column.

In addition, the main page will only contain a 150-word excerpt of each article. If the entire article fits within that 150 words, you need go no further, unless you want to participate in the comments. If the article is longer than 150 words (as most feature and guest articles are as well as Letters to the Editors), then a “Continue reading →” link will show up. You can click on that link, the article title, or the graphic attached to the excerpt to jump to the full article with comments. If you just want to participate in the comments, click on the “comments” link just below the article title.

These visible changes, along with a few others behind the scenes, will help SurvivalBlog meet search engine requirements and still maintain the high quality our readers have come to expect.

Correcting Dead Links

The SurvivalBlog editors also made a concerted effort to cleanup dead internal links on the Blog this last week, and you should have a much better experience clicking through articles. We literally had thousands of dead links that occurred as a result of our move from MoveableType to WordPress a couple of years ago. If you do run across one, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

New Menu

Also, on every page we now have a tabs menu at the top. Each tab has a drop down menu, but you can simply click on the tab itself to open it. All of the static pages that formerly were in the left column are now within the tabs at the top. Specifically, if you are looking for the archives [1] by date or subject, just click the archives tab for complete access. There is also still a calendar in the side bar to access content you may have missed on specific days as well.


We hope you are enjoying the comments that are now enabled on most articles. There have been some great, informative discussions that have truly added to the collective knowledge of our readers. Feel free to participate, but please keep the comments on-topic to the article they are attached to. Make sure you have read our Discussion Guidelines [2] before posting. If you want to ask a question or make a comment unrelated to an article, please email it to us. If you intended it to be public, we’ll try to use it as a “Letter to the Editor”.