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Letter Re: “Patriots” and Other Preparedness Titles Not Available at All Libraries

Dear Mr. Rawles,
I was at my local public library and noticed they did not have a copy of your novel [“Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse” [1]]. I inquired of our head librarian and she agreed to order your book. As a matter of fact, she ordered it while I was chatting with her. Perhaps some more of your loyal readers would be willing to contact the many public libraries and ask them to order some specific books. They too might order your book as well as other preparedness books. Respectfully, – Happy Howie

JWR Replies: I appreciate that suggestion. In addition to my novel “Patriots”, SurvivalBlog might consider requesting some of the books and DVDs listed in my Bookshelf page [2]. (Starting with my “Must Read” list.) Having those in circulation locally might get some of your neighbors more motivated to prepare–or at least better informed.