- SurvivalBlog.com - https://survivalblog.com -

Note from JWR:

Wow! We’ve surpassed 42 million hits and one million unique visits since SurvivalBlog was launched in August of 2005! We now have readers in more than 75 countries [1]. Thanks for making SurvivalBlog such a huge success. Please keep spreading the word. One of the best ways that you can do this is to paste a SurvivalBlog link logo or link text [2] in your e-mail footer. Many thanks!

Congratulations to our 1,000,000th visitor! (He e-mailed us a screen capture of the visit counter, to prove it.) His prize is two books: an autographed copy of my novel “Patriots” and an autographed copy of my non-fiction book Rawles on Retreats and Relocation [3].