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A Book Review for the Children in Your Lives — A New Prepper Pete Series

Dear Readers,
I want to bring to your attention an illustrated survival book series for your children.  These would make great Christmas/Hannukkah/Birthday presents.

The series is called Prepper Pete and Friends [1] and is written by Kermit Jones, Jr.  Ten years ago he started the series and published four books.  After a long hiatus Mr. Jones is adding more books to the series.

The first four original books in the series were:

His latest Prepper Pete books are a series about Ham Radio: “Radio Rick Relays Relief, A Hamergency Hero Book For Kids”, and a “Story by A. American Survivalist, Sam Saves the Day: A Real Life Hamergency Hero Book”.

I have received two of the books of the new series, thusfar.  The first one I received two weeks ago and the second book this week.  I read them and really enjoyed them.  To be honest, I have not spent time studying up on Ham radio…because we have OPSEC issues with the licensing process. These two books have caught me up to speed with the basics.  I love the format.  Mr. Jones’ writing is very simple and direct.  He gives short sentences with definitions of each Ham radio concept with illustrations that clearly demonstrate what he is explaining in the text for children and adults to understand what Ham Radio is all about.

In the first Hamergency book, Mr. Jones explains what a Ham Radio Operator is, What ARES is, Repeaters, Handie-Talkies, Mobile radio, Base Station, Ham Shack, Frequencies, Line of sight, and the Ionosphere with a cute story of rescuing an injured person during a storm.

In the second book, “Story by A. American, Survivalist Sam Saves the Day, A Real-Life Hero Book”. Is another story about the use of Ham radios and how they can help save someone whose vehicle becomes stuck in sand in the National Forest.  This story has only one new word, that is defined, “Infrastructure”.  It is short and sweet and has two instances where a knowing adult will snort with laughter.  It is very cute.  The stories are short, concise, and clear.  The illustrations are also very clear and cute.

These books are a super way to introduce the need for prepping and the importance for children to learn skills to become prepared and self-reliant. The books are for all ages of people.

“Some people prepare because they are afraid.  Our family does not have to be afraid…Because we are prepared!” – Prepper Pete.

I highly recommend them.

These book series are published by Kamel Press and can be found on Amazon, Books-A-Million (BAM), and Barnes and Noble. – Avalanche Lily