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SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

First up today: US agency will not reinstate $900 million subsidy for SpaceX Starlink unit [1] JWR’s Comments:  To me, this news illustrates two things:  First, the ostensibly neutral Federal regulatory agencies have become politicized, if not weaponized. This says more about how leftists dislike Elon Musk for his politics, more than anything else. Second, the FCC is only giving lip service to providing Internet service to families that live in rural areas. Starlink will eventually be able to provide Internet connectivity for everyone living at less than 60 degrees of latitude. It also makes me suspicious that The Powers That Be don’t want Americans living in truly remote areas — places that are already served by Starlink, but that will never be served by cable Internet.

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N.C. Scout’s new book, The Guerilla’s Guide to Signals Intelligence [2], is now available for ordering.  N.C. Scout is of course one of our text advertisers, and you probably already own his book on Baofeng UV-5R transceivers.

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Reader A.R. wrote this, in response to SaraSue’s most recent snippet about raising pigs:

“In my experience, modern hogs do not have hardly any fat. They usually are so lean that you have to add fat to cook them. This was done because animal fat has been demonized. They have bred fat out of them. The only exception I’ve found is pot-bellied pigs. Someone once gave me three pot-bellied pigs, and they made the best fat, and in large quantities. Also, animals in general use up their fat through the winter, and so if you want fat, it would be best to slaughter in the fall, after they have been eating on lush forage all summer. “

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At Politico: White House announces new state-based gun violence initiative [3]. JWR’s Comment: This is a push from the Federal level to the state level, ramrodding legislation. The Bidenistas realized that they couldn’t move their gun-grabbing agenda forward at the Federal level, so they are now “coordinating” it at the State level.  Beware! I warned readers about the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, several months ago. Please keep in close contact with your legislators at all levels, and demand that they hold the line on any new gun restrictions. Please remind them that in light of the Supreme Court’s 2022 Bruen decision, nearly all existing gun laws should actually be repealed. The only gun law I know of that has an analogous pre-1791 law is Kennesaw Georgia’s law requiring gun ownership [4].

A useful new video from Armed Attorneys: ATF Stopped by Mom in Fourth Amendment Smackdown [5].

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A trailer just dropped for “Civil War,” where Texas and California have teamed up, Nick Offerman is president, and journalists are the good guys [6]JWR’s Comments: Odds are, this movie is an anti-conservative, anti-militia, and anti-2A diatribe. Do a freezeframe, to look closely at the ghillied sniper. Why is he wearing multi-colored fingernail polish?  Please don’t tell me that this fictional civil war in the near future is fought over gender identity.

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From Reader C.B.:  FBI Targeting of Catholics Went Beyond Single Office, Redacted Documents Show [7].   Oh, and to further illustrate how politically-motivated the FBI has become, see: Despite Being More Divisive Than Ever, FBI Decides to Lean Into Woke Politics By Adding Letters to LGBT Acronym [8].

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Reader M.D. sent this reminder that we (the unvaccinated) should never forget how they crammed this down our throats and how they treated us as “a threat”:  Remember these “community notes”? [9] (Video.)

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Tim J. mentioned a video from tech and crypto vlogger Naomi Brockwell: You’re Leaking Your Location! [10]

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An anonymous reader wrote with the sad news that his 20-year-old son, who had still been living at home, died of an overdose of a drug called Kratom [11].  He had concealed his use of the drug from his parents. They  had stayed out of his room for more than a year, for his privacy. This should serve as a reminder that our “adult” kids need to be accountable.  As long as they are living under the roofs of our homes, they are our responsibility. If you suspect any drug use, then you need to confront them.  Lives are at risk!

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Minnesota has a new “coincidental” state flag [12]. (Our thanks to Peter for the link.)

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Reader A. In Ireland wrote to ask:

“Just came across your blog, pretty cool. Any advice for Ireland?”

JWR Replied: Odds are that you live in or near Dublin town. If you can cope with a long commute or are self-employed, then I’d recommend moving to a lightly-populated agricultural region — preferably one that also has active coal mines. Find a stout house and convert it to a coal stove for its primary source of heating, install rainwater catchment, start vegetable gardening with a large potato patch, and set up a modest PV power system. Oh, and also join a local shooting club. Then you’ll be set.

P.S.: It’s a long way, to Tipperary.  (Where you’ll find anthracite coal mines.)

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From our friend and fellow blogger Patrice Lewis: Canned Chicken [13].

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SaraSue sent this snippet:

“There was a “tornado emergency” in Tennessee this past week.  Several large tornadoes spun up and did serious damage.  There were tornadoes north, southwest and southeast of me.  I am grateful that I only experienced thunder, lightning, and strong winds – no damage to the farm.  I do not have a tornado shelter.  I shelter in a pantry under the staircase in the middle of the house on the ground floor.  It is the safest place in the house.  I keep a flashlight, emergency radio, and helmet in there.  I always make sure I have shoes on if I have to shelter in the middle of the night.  Unnerving, but I’ve learned to be very calm and methodical about sheltering in place, and then I pray.  The storms generally pass quickly.”

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She’s at it, again: New Mexico Governor Pushing Ban on AR-15s, Other Semiautomatics [14].

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR [15]. or AVL [15]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [16] form.