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The 21st Century Geopolitical Chessboard

As we approach the end of 2023, I’ve been assessing world events. In short: The world is an increasingly dangerous place. There are numerous current threats, most notably:

The Modern Chessboard

Diplomacy and the progression of the world’s wars have often been compared to a chess game [1]. Here is my analysis of the current situation, using chess terms as an analogy. As you will see, there are plenty of players on the chessboard who are self-deluded, imagining themselves are more powerful than they really are.

As a side note: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg may fancy themselves as knights or bishops, but in fact, they are just pawns. The same can be said for lots of other celebrities, actors, news anchors, and assorted outspoken “activists.” Again, they are not the drivers of policy, but rather just the tools of policy.

Pawn Sacrifices

The recent conflicts in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have illustrated that The Powers That Be are willing to sacrifice countless lives of their own citizens in order to pursue their globalist agenda.


There are plenty of chess-like gambits that can be seen in the modern world: President Richard Nixon opening trade relations with Red China was a good example.  Putin’s recent push into the Crimea to permanently secure warm water ports has been called a strategic gambit. And the recent diplomatic agreement between Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China [5] is another good example of a gambit.


There have been several mentions in the press about tech oligarchs buying large ranches in Wyoming, Texas, and Montana [6], and some “bolt hole” retreats in New Zealand [7].  Oracle Corporation CEO Larry Ellison bought an entire island in Hawaii [8]. The chess analogy for creating such a defensive position is castling [9].

The Endgame

In my estimation, we are nearing an endgame in the 21st-century geopolitical game of chess. World War 1 and World War 2 were just opening moves. The Cold War was a temporary stalemate. The recent COVID pandemic was merely a feint attack. I can foresee that some power moves to the rear rows of our side of the chessboard will be made soon.

[10]The globalists have a long list of goals. A glimpse of them can be seen in the UN’s Agenda 2030 [11](with its 17 Goals [12]) and the dovetailed stated goals of the WEF [13]. But their greatest goal — one that is only slightly concealed — is reducing Earth’s population by at least 80 percent [14] by the end of the 21st Century. Certainly, it would take massive wars, forced sterilization, and pandemics for them to accomplish such a large population reduction in just a few generations. But we are talking about very ruthless and godless Players. They’ve already accumulated tremendous wealth. But now, their quest is for power.


Watch world events closely. Always consider who is actually directing the moves, and why. Think strategically rather than tactically. Plan and develop your own defensive strategy. Don’t hesitate to move, since it may save your life and the lives of your loved ones. – JWR

Note: Permission to repost this article is granted, as long as it is re-posted in full, with all links intact, and credit given to the author (James Wesley, Rawles) and to SurvivalBlog.com.