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Preparedness Notes for Monday — November 27, 2023

Through the will drawn up by Alfred Bernhard Nobel [1]—the Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist who invented dynamite [2] and other, more powerful explosives—the Nobel Prizes [3] were established on this day in 1895.

On November 27, 1942, the French navy scuttled 73 ships at Toulon [4] in order to avoid German [5] seizure during World War II [6].

A piece of property at SurvivalRealty.com (that is pictured above) in Manitoba, Canada caught my eye: Riverfront Off-Grid Timber Frame Home on 95 Acres in Canada [7].  Click on the map and zoom out a bit.  From a retreat security standpoint, there are very few places that can rival a property that sits inside an oxbow of a large river.  I’d call that ultra-defendable. at least from a ground attack!

Today is also the birthday of both SurvivalBlog’s Field Gear Editor Emeritus, Pat Cascio, and sci-fi novelist L. Sprague de Camp (1907 – 2000).

Today’s feature is a review that was penned by SurvivalBlog Filed Gear Editor Tom Christianson.