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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR [1]. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, we look at fighting shotguns.

Some Defensive Shotgun Wisdom

Reader B.G. suggested this piece written by Sheriff Jim Wilson: Thoughts On The Defensive Shotgun [2].

Nine Best Home-Defense Tactical Shotguns

From PewPewTactical: 9 Best Home-Defense Tactical Shotguns 2023 [Hands-On] [3].

Nauru: The Best Tech Elite Retreat Money Could Buy?

FTX lobbyist tried to buy Pacific island of Nauru to create a new superspecies, lawsuit says [4].

Two Women Found Dead in State Park Near Las Vegas

Reader F.J. sent this, from The New York Post: Two women found dead in state park outside of Las Vega [5]s. JWR’s Comment:  Their first clue should have been the name of the park.

LA Times Article Floats Blackouts for ‘The Greater Good’

Reader C.B. sent us this: LA Times article labeled ‘peak climate idiocy’ after floating ‘occasional blackout’ for ‘the greater good [6]’.

Survey: 44% of Millennials Think Misgendering Should Be a Crime

Over at The Gateway Pundit: Survey: Almost Half of Millennials Think Misgendering Trans Person Should Be Criminal Offense [7].

Everything You Need to Know About Lab-Grown Meat

CNN‘s reporter sounds enthusiastic: Meat without slaughter: Here’s everything you need to know about lab-grown meat [8]. JWR’s Sarcastic Comment: What could possibly go wrong?

Professors to Biden Defy ‘Mistaken’ Supreme Court Rulings

Over at Fox News: Professors urge Biden to defy ‘mistaken’ rulings by ‘MAGA’ Supreme Court justices [9]. JWR’s Comment: Gee, it sounds like someone wants a WROL situation.  Or is it just: “Three separate and co-equal branches of government, except when we disagree.”

19,000 People Flee Wildfire on Rhodes

Linked over at the Whatfinger.com  [10]news aggregation site: Greek authorities evacuate some 19,000 people as wildfire blazes on the island of Rhodes [11].

NAGR Issues Travel Warning for Massachusetts

In The New American: Gun-rights Group Issues Travel Ban for Massachusetts [12]. The NAGR’s Dudley Brow.

FBI’s Odd Statement After Sen. Grassley Releases Biden Bribery Report

Over at RedState: FBI Gives Laughable Statement After Sen. Grassley Releases FD-1023 Biden Bribery Form [13]. JWR’s Comments: This report was based on a simple interview statement from an informant.  How could they possibly want to classify it as Sources and Methods (SAM) Sensitive? The SAM Sensitive label is normally reserved for intel sourced from COMINT, cable-tap traffic, or agents-in-place. And if it was indeed SAM Sensitive, then why wasn’t the report marked as such, before it went to the US Senate panel? This whole affair has the foul stench of a high-level cover-up.  The Burisma bribery scandal is a couple of orders of magnitude larger than anything ever blamed on Trump. If there are no Articles of Impeachment filed within the next month, then we can give up any hope for Republicans in Congress. They are a herd of useless RINO appeasers.

Elderly Lowe’s Worker Fired After Trying to Stop Thieves

Another from the Whatfinger.com [10] site: Elderly Lowe’s Worker Fired After Getting Repeatedly Punched in the Face Trying to Stop Thieves [14].

41% of Illegal Immigrant Group Missed Their Court Dates

Reported at Zero Hedge: 41 Percent Of Illegal Immigrant Group Biden Admin Released Into US Never Showed Up For Court Date [15]s.

You can send your news tips to JWR [1]. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact [16] form.) Thanks!