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SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. [1] (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies of interest to preppers and survivalists that are located in the American Redoubt region. Today, more updates on the Greater Idaho movement.  (See the Region-Wide section.)


Dr. Steve Turley outlines the implications of how Oregon’s “Portland majority” disenfranchises the state’s rural counties: Is Over Half of Oregon Really Joining Idaho? [2]

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Greater Idaho movement wins Wallowa County by 7 votes, avoids recount [3].

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Crook County has scheduled a Greater Idaho vote [4] in 2024.

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Video: Idaho and Montana Cost of Living Compared [5].


Forest service firefighter rescues 91-year-old man from vehicle in Lochsa River [6].

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Bonneville County Sherrif’s Office releases statement after truck drives into Snake River [7].

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Arguments over media access in Bryan Kohberger trial conclude [8].


Judge okays construction of NorthWestern gas power plant in Montana [9].

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The Most Remote Spot in Montana? [10]

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Video from Mike Glover, filmed near Missoula: A tour of Montana Knife Company’s facility [11]. What a nice shop, and great products!

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Veto politics set up standoffs between Gianforte and lawmakers [12].

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Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski, known as the ‘Unabomber,’ dies in federal prison [13].

Central & Eastern Oregon

Neil Young playing Bend this summer; working to prevent ticket scalping [14].

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Motorcyclist killed in Redmond Hwy. 97 hit-and-run crash; police ask public for info, surveillance video [15].

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Union County rancher describes the cost of living in Oregon’s wolf country [16].

Central & Eastern Washington

Spokane’s Camp Hope officially closes after last resident leaves [17].

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City of Spokane looks to crack down on illegal short-term rentals [18]JWR’s Comment: This news report is missing the point. It is not about health and safety. It is all about revenue for the city government. Wherever there is money being made, governments want to get a piece of the action. In this case, they are willing to pay an outside firm to track down the unpermitted Air BNBs.

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This news was posted back in January: Malden residents receive funds for new sewer system, other resources to aid in rebuilding efforts [19].


From the leftist CNN: DOJ investigating conservative-backed efforts in Wyoming to infiltrate DNC ahead of 2020 election, sources say [20].

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The left-leaning Newsweek posted this: Conservative Issues Dire Warning About Impact of Christian Nationalism [21].

and on the same topic, there is this:

Wyoming Attorney Says ‘Christian Nationalism’ Has ‘Highjacked’ Republican Party [22].

JWR’s Comments:  Susan Stubson is a RINO, much like Liz Cheney.  Even just a cursory look at Stubson’s Twitter page [23] will quickly show you that she is a Liz Cheney supporter and an anti-Trumper. Her real beef is that her “moderate” Republican friends are being pushed out of the Wyoming GOP leadership by genuine conservative Republicans. Well, sour grapes, Susan. You are heavily outnumbered [24] by conservatives. (In fact, conservative views are now gaining popularity, nationwide [25].)  If you don’t like it, then change parties and join the Democrats. You, your husband Tim, and Liz will all fit right in. Oh, and move to Colorado, if you want any hope of winning political races. Wyoming is the most conservative state in the Union.

Send Your News Tips

Please send your American Redoubt region news tips, event announcements, and American Redoubt-based companies worthy of a mention to JWR [26]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [27] form.