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The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“After 2020, everyone has noticed things we used to take for granted are gone. The world you grew up in, where grocery store shelves were always fully stocked, service workers actually provided service, potholes were repaired, roads were plowed in the winter, etc., now no longer exists. For nearly three years, every sign of decline was waved off as ‘supply chain problems’ or ‘worker shortages,’ all related to the Fauci bioweapon, but as time has gone on, it appears Humpty Dumpty is not being put back together again. Things are just going to be more run down, dirty, littered, and neglected from here on out.

Unless you are part of the willfully oblivious masses, the last three years have signaled that we are in the already. No, collapse is not usually something that happens overnight. We don’t go from having complex and bustling logistics networks of thousands of regional distribution centers for every conceivable consumer good and retailer to Mad Max overnight. Highly complex societies take decades or even centuries to collapse. The Soviet Union was an economic disaster from the very beginning, mass murdering millions through forced famine, imprisoning, torturing, and murdering tens of millions more to maintain its grip on power. But despite being one of the largest militaries ever assembled, despite thermonuclear weapons it could deliver anywhere on the planet, despite brutal and total control over the population, one day, the Soviet Union simply stopped existing.” – Pastor Andrew Isker