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SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

The FBI Doubles Down on Christians and White Supremacy in 2023 [1].  Now, they’re targeting “traditional Catholics.”

Update: There was so much public outcry, the FBI withdrew the report [2].

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SurvivalBlog’s Editor-at-Large, Michael Z. Williamson suggested this video, demonstrating several items for protection from thermal imaging: Which Materials can hide you from Thermal Devices? [3]

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Toxic Gases Connected to Ohio Train Derailment Cause Concern [4].

Also reported:

Animals sick, dying following derailment are ‘suspect’ [5].

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Forget Stoves! There’s A Growing Movement To Ban New Homes From Having Any Gas At All [6].

SaraSue sent us a brief snippet:

“Today has been a perfect day!  All 4 cows doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing and we are back in milk.  The Guernsey’s udder is completely healed and thanks to the calf, she is still making a lot of milk.  The Jersey is definitely not bred, so I will decide on a better strategy for getting her bred.  Thank you to the reader who offered advice.  Yes, this city girl gets overwhelmed from time to time, okay let’s be honest, DAILY, but that doesn’t stop me from moving forward in developing the farm.  I’m stronger, healthier, and happier, even if the challenges seem, and sometimes are, bigger than me.  Over time, I get the hang of whatever it is.”

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Reader Tim J. suggested this 2018 video: Meridian, MS to New Orleans, LA – Trainhopping The Former New Orleans & Northeaster [7]n. Tim had these comments:

“You can skip to chapters of interest. This person had an interesting technique for staying out of sight. In the comments, they say to stay off the top of the cars, there are folks watching for that.

When the power grid goes down, gasoline is scarce, and buses, planes, and trains require a vaccine card, this method of travel may make a comeback.”

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H.L. sent this: Nevada puppy left for dead in desert built life among pack of wild coyotes before capture: rescuer [8]s.

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Reader L.E. had this comment on the recent Swedish Death Cleaning article:

“My parents grew up during the Great Depression which is why they saved Everything, because they didn’t know that the Depression wold end, so they thought they might never have those things again, so they saved every pencil stub, every piece of string, rubber band, thrice used Christmas wrapping paper etc. I remember back in the 60’s my mother writing to her relatives on that old thin onion skin paper they used, and filling in the paper first from top to bottom, then around in the margins, in little tiny writing, because even the cost of a stamp was prohibitive to them. And once a year at Christmas, my father would place that one very expensive long distance call to his mother back in the Midwest and talk for one hour only. The only thing I save these days are books, and only because by using a Kindle you are feeding the beast, and TPTB always have the option of changing the contents to fit the current “thing”. Everything else, I go through once a year, and if I haven’t used it or worn it, it goes to the thrift store.

One of my children has adopted a very minimalist lifestyle with only one plate, fork, spoon, bowl, mug, NO collectibles/artwork at all and only a few changes of clothing and some few basic tools. He has adopted the “if the world were on fire and you could only flee with what you could carry” bare necessities mantra. Usually, what that comes down to are heirlooms like watches and jewelry, money, guns, and family photographs.

What is surprising for people who know me is that I carry survival basics in my PURSE. You’d be amazed at how much you can carry that does not take up much room. I have a small very bright LED flashlight, a BIC lighter, a ballpoint pen and a pad of paper, clean underpants, a cotton bandanna/hanky, a small book of matches, a small 2-blade penknife, some wet wipes and band-aids, a roll of Lifesavers and a tin of cough drops, a couple folded paper towels (emergency TP), a “churchkey”-type bottle opener, a small film canister containing a 2 day supply of my pills, a folding travel toothbrush in a container, a small fold out magnifying glass, nail clippers, 2 large safety pins, a couple rubber bands, a folded up lightweight bag and a stainless steel teaspoon, and all of these items fit in one zipper pocket.”

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BBC News: Mystery surrounds objects shot down by US military [9].

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Balloon With 3 Hypersonic Missiles Tested By China In 2018 [10].

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A David Dubyne podcast: How the World’s Events Connect. (Part 1 [11] and Part 2 [12].)


Reader Tunnel Rabbit had this comment in response to the recent article: Some Stark Realities of the 2020s are Pushing Us Off-Grid.

“I’ve been ”off-grid”, a term that in present-day context has added meaning.  The ability to self-isolate during 2020 proved to be priceless.  I did not even run out to buy toilet paper. or masks  As I began prepping hard back in 2007, and was spurred on to prep harder after discovering that the M1 chart on the Federal Reserves’s website dropped off a cliff 6 months prior to the financial crisis of 2008, yet I was not as ready as I am today.  If JWR recalls, I sent him the link.  Clearly, if we could see it coming, TPTB fully anticipated the crisis and came up with the TARP bill before Hank Paulson put a gun to Congress’s head to force it though.  TARP was a stick up job. Fast forward to this day and age, our now finely tuned spidery senses should not be ignored.  17 years latter, we are faced with a future of threats of not only financial upheaval, but a full blown tyranny, and of global famine, and the wars and pandemics that are always associated.  The Four Horsemen are riding as we speak.  The conditions for a world wide famine are established.  If we are now not in the End Times, the next decade will prove to be nearly as epic.”

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Over 34,000 dead from quake in Turkey and Syria [13].

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St. Funogas sent these comments on government SOPs and PSYOPs:

“Scientists have known since forever that the four coronaviruses and other viruses which cause the common cold mutate so rapidly that attempts to make vaccines for them have never even been considered. While our immune system does produce antibodies for the viruses which cause colds and flu, there’s no long long-lasting immunity because those antibodies are ineffective against the next new mutated strain. Scientists on both sides of the covid argument, including Fauci himself, are finally publishing papers to confirm what many of us have known all along: the vaccines are basically ineffective and at best, only offer very short-term protection from a few weeks to a few months. Again, because they just mutate too rapidly.

Here’s an interesting recent article [14] from a peer-reviewed science journal co-authored by Dr. Fauci.

Skip down to “Concluding remarks” if the article gets too dry. Some of the interesting statements in the concluding remarks indicate that vaccines against non-systemic respiratory viruses (such as flu, colds, covid), “have thus far eluded vaccine-development efforts.”

The thing I never could figure out about the anti-vaxers is why there were no lawsuits based on the Geneva Convention which makes it illegal to use humans as medical guinea pigs without their consent. The American public was unaware of the difference between approved vaccine status and EUA (emergency use authorization) status, and nobody at the CDC or elsewhere bothered to mention that to the public. EUA vaccines are experimental vaccines authorized for use only in emergency situations such as a pandemic. Forcing people to be jabbed or face discharge from the military, or fired from their civilian jobs, should have been illegal per the Geneva Convention.

The above-linked journal article published on January 11, 2023 explains: “Considering that vaccine development and licensure is a long and complex process requiring years of pre-clinical and clinical safety and efficacy data, the limitations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines remind us that candidate vaccines for most other respiratory viruses have to date been insufficiently protective for consideration of licensure…”

In other words, covid vaccines not only lacked sufficient clinical data for approval, but the efficacy of the covid vaccine offers so little protection that it can’t even be considered for approval by the CDC or to be licensed for Big Pharma to sell. It seems to me that Big Pharma and their campaign contributions may have been part of the reason for the lies, cover-ups, and propaganda that things like the Twitter Files are now exposing. Personally, I strongly believe the purpose was also to see how far they could push We the People with mandates and lockdowns before we’d push back.

The single-most important take-home message for We the People is that government lies, cover-ups, and propaganda is SOP for liberal as well as conservative causes. They don’t limit themselves to lying just about covid, illegal FBI/CIA/NSA activity including censorship, surveillance, and propaganda, or swaying elections by withholding evidence about Joe and Hunter Biden’s financial activities with foreign governments among other things. This standard government SOP of lying, deception and propaganda applies to all events currently in the news. Keep that in mind and keep asking yourself where Uncle Sam is trying steer us with their current post-covid PsyOps, and who gains when we fail to recognize their real agenda. You can bet your bullets, beans, and bandaids it’s not We the People who gain. And I’d be redoubling my efforts to stock up on those three things.”

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Tim J. also recommended these two videos from S2 Underground:


Basic Tactical SIGINT: Tracking Aircraft and SDR Scanning [16]

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Oh, and one more video suggested by  Tim J.: POLAR BEAR protection and how it works, in the World’s Northernmost Town –  Svalbard [17]. Tim’s Comment: “This is a sad look at gun control in another country.”

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR [18]. or AVL [18]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [19] form.