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SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

First up, there is this, over at Live Science: Never-before-seen microbes locked in glacier ice could spark a wave of new pandemics if released [1].

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Just as I suspected: Disinfo Governance Board is Back: ‘White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse’ [2].

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John sent this comment:

“As someone who has had to wash skunked dogs numerous times, I can suggest something better than just tomato juice. After our dogs have been skunked, the most important thing is to wash them as soon as possible. This has to be done before the oil-based skunk spray dries.

As I have washed skunk-sprayed dogs in the middle of the night to get rid of the smell.

We use a special mix to wash the dogs,

Mix well, and use as soap to wash dog. (Keep it out of both your eyes, and your dog’s eyes.)

It does wash the smell away better than anything I have found. After using this mix more times than I want to remember, it does work.”

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Up to 90% of governmental websites include cookies of third-party trackers [3].

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Hundreds rescued as Sydney suffers fourth flood in less than 18 months [6]. (A hat tip to H.L., for the link.)

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Reader “Mr. Zipph” wrote:

“I enjoyed your article on the WEF and the globalist agenda. One of the primary reasons that this evil movement has been able to metastasize so rapidly in recent years, is their control over corporate board rooms and executive management. ESG and DEI (social credit scoring systems used to manipulate behavior) policies have been implemented in virtual all publicly traded corporations in the western world. The WEF agenda is openly championed by corporate America.

It is my opinion that any successful entrepreneur should never take their company public. As soon as they do, these policies are forced on them from the investment banks and money managers that provide their capital. It would be far better to keep their companies private and seek alternative means of financing growth. I have been thinking of ways that freedom-minded people, might be able to develop non-public investment pools to provide capital to these private, like-minded and owner-controlled companies. I am looking for ideas from other people on how this might be accomplished.”

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Neighborhoods with more dogs see less crime, study shows [7].

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Reader M.J. wrote:

“I spent Independence Day morning cleaning out a clogged bathroom sink.  I didn’t have any pipe cleaners, so I improvised by clipping some flexible green branches from a tree that I’m going to get rid of soon.   Those cleaned the clogs out.  I cleaned the P-trap by washing it in the toilet bowl.

No doubt real plumbers reading this will laugh loudly at the idea of using green branches to clean clogged pipes, but it’s what I had available, and it worked; the sink is draining a lot better now, and I didn’t need to call a plumber.
The rest of Independence Day I spent on studying for a new computer certificate that will lead to a better job with a better paycheck, and hopefully an all-remote position. Then I can move to a red county and live with liberty-minded people.”

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NJ Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy Signs ‘Gun Safety Package 3.0,’ Requiring Database of All Ammo Sold in State [8].

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D.S.V. sent this: Seven Benefits of Gardening and Yardwork on Your Mental Health [9].

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Local Police and FBI Visit Home of Top Opponent to New China-Owned North Dakota Corn Mill — After She Posts Paragraph from Declaration of Independence on Social Media [10].

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And, lastly, reader L.E. had these suggestions:

“The following is a partial list of toys one could accumulate for future use when electronically powered amusements are no longer working:

BOYS–Tonka toys or any heavy duty metal toys such as dump trucks, backhoes, graders etc.
Several bags of the classic green plastic army men and vehicles.
Toy strap on holsters and toy pistols (metal). Cowboy hats.
Rubber or safe blunt swords and shields for playing Roman soldiers and gladiators.
Large tin can of Lego bricks
Matchbox-type little metal cars and trucks and a set of the racetracks.
Rubber type farm animals and woodland animal figures, the kind they sell at the farm/tractor store.
Marbles, rubber band airplanes, small pocket knives.
Playmobil or similar Spacemen and Pirate sets.
Soccer balls, baseball and bats, footballs
GIRLS–Barbie or Playmobil type dollhouses and furniture
Dolls with long hair,  and outfits/accessories for dolls
Miniature china or plastic tea sets
Dress up clothing–jewelled crowns, bridal veils, sparkly high heels, velvet/fur capes, feather boas,
tulle ballerina tutu’s, junk jewelry.
Jacks (the little rubber ball and a dozen metal jacks)
Beads, Yarn or string weaving sets to make things.
Miniature baking utensils and fake bake oven.
Jump Ropes.
Stuffed animals like Beanie Babies or Teddy Bears.
FOR ALL–Crayons and multiple subject coloring books
Modelling Clay
Hardcover story books like the Little Golden Books series, and for older children, adventure stories,
Little House on the Prairie sets, Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys sets of books.
Playing “store” set with store counter, miniature plastic foods, cash register and play money.
Board games like Candy Land, Parcheesi, Checkers, Tiddly Winks.
Packs of playing cards for Old Maid, Go Fish etc.
Xylophones and Penny whistles and drums
Child size shovels, pails, brooms, rakes, sun hats and gloves.
Small blackboard, colored chalk and erasers
Water color paint sets and tablets of paper.
Badminton set and extra shuttlecocks.
Magnifying glasses and simple microscopes.
You never know whose, or how many children, you may end up caring for in a grid down situation, or how badly traumatized they may be.
P.S: Putting out a pile of one type of toy or the other and seeing which pile your child gravitates to is a pretty solid way to determine their “gender”.”

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR [11]. or AVL [11]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [12] form.