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Editors’ Prepping Progress

To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make long-term and short-term plans. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities and planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, ranch improvements, bug out bag fine-tuning, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles [1], but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year.  We always welcome you to share your own successes and wisdom in your e-mailed letters. We post many of those –or excerpts thereof — in this column, in the Odds ‘n Sods Column, and in the Snippets column. Let’s keep busy and be ready!

Jim Reports:

I’m now back at the ranch, following a week-long inventory buying trip.  I had a mechanical problem with my vehicle, and this delayed my return by a day. I’ve re-started the shopping cart system for Elk Creek Company [2]. But it may be a few days before I get most of the recently-purchased antique guns added to online listings.

I had an interesting trip. I attended a gun show in Kerrville, Texas, and visited a few gun stores. I found a few interesting pieces including a pre-warning LNIB Ruger Old Army, a Ludwig Loewe Chilean Mauser Short Rifle, a Remington Rollingblock 7×57 rifle, and an Iver Johnson .38 Double-Action with a special-order long barrel.

I also had the pleasure of attending a nightclub gig by Henri Herbert [3] and his band, in Austin. There was a very friendly crowd there, but no place to sit!  The place was packed. The club had an old-fashioned honky-tonk vibe, but of course sans cigarette smoke, these days. I believe that Henri Herbert is incredibly talented and destined to stardom.  If you get the chance, then I highly recommend that you go see him live. Please check out his YouTube videos. One of them deservedly had 59 million views [4].

One observation: When I travel through oil country, I usually see the majority of the oilfield  “cricket” pump jacks at stripper wells are usually sitting idle.  But not on this trip!  Just anecdotally, I’d say that about 70% of the cricket pumps that I saw were in operation, bringing up crude.  With oil now pushing $100 per barrel, it is no wonder that even marginal wells are being put back into production.

Avalanche Lily Reports:

Dear Readers,
Oops, sorry folks, that I am posting this quite late on Saturday morning.  I have not been doing too many prepping things this week.  We are still recovering from the colds.

The weather has been quite rainy and warmish this week.  It has melted much of our snow and ice.  Our meadows are flooded.  The geese are back.

This week we bought a kayak for Miss Violet.  We’re hoping to paddle the meadow this coming week when the sun comes out and we have temps in the mid-forties.

With Jim’s vehicle issue and delay, Miss Violet and I drove down to pick him up and spent an hour and a half swimming in some Hot Springs, before heading back home.  It was a very lovely little perk to our regular routine.

This week, I’ve done more stock-up food shopping. I bought some veggies to process. I will be chopping up Sweet peppers and celery and freezing them this coming week. I hope to dehydrate some hamburger.  We bought enough “puppy chow” for our pups this week, to last them “until they’re full grown.”

I have continued to prep the Great room for painting.  I did paint Kilz in one of our bedrooms, and though I was exposed to the fumes from it for only a half-hour, I rushed the job and held my breath as much as possible and hung out the window, it really affected me. It is a poison.  I will not be putting up another coat of it.  It permeated the house.  We sealed up that bedroom and opened all of the windows and have not entered that room since that day…I will just be laying extra layers of paint to cover up our dark paint-colored walls in the next few weeks.

I cleaned out the chicken coop this week.  I also hosed down the floor, scrubbed it and squeegeed out the water and muck, and dried it with a towel, and laid down the straw.  Yes, we use straw.  We do not like wood chips.  Yes, straw gets wet and matted and needs frequent cleanouts.  It also decomposes faster than wood chips and its decomposition chemistry is better for our gardens than wood chips.

We are watching events over in Europe.  Be ready for anything happening here in the USA: Cyber attacks/grid down, [5] dirty bombs, Economic collapse, and soaring inflation.  Remember if you have already prepared, you will fare better than most.

Remember to trust in Jesus, pray and read His Word to strengthen your walk conviction and discernment of events occurring.  Except where morality is concerned, do not trust anything the media is telling you. They are owned and controlled by the elite.  Remain neutral.  Do not pick sides.  (Pray for the general populace that are just cannon fodder to the globalist elites.) All of the leaders of the world are in cahoots with each other — many of them members of the World Economic Forum: Klaus Schwab the founder of it. [6].. They are all lying to us.  Everything is theatrics and planned and orchestrated to bring about the New World Order/the Great Reset. In this plan is the rapid reduction of the world’s population through any means and the enslavement of the survivors through Artificial Intelligence: The “Chipping” of survivors and controlling their every action. It is intensely evil and is from Satan himself.  Your key act of rebellion is to survive it outside of their system and to continue trusting and believing in Jesus no matter what happens to you and yours…

This past week, I have read through Chapter 5 of Exodus in Hebrew and I listened to the book of John and Acts.

May you all have a very blessed and safe week.

– Avalanche Lily, Rawles

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As always,  please share and send e-mails of your own successes and hard-earned wisdom and we will post them in the “Snippets” column this coming week.  We want to hear from you.