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SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

Dozens of tornados touched down in five states including Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kentucky. These did tremendous damage [1] and may have claimed more than 100 lives–mostly in Kentucky. Please keep the survivors in your prayers.  Here are some trustworthy places to make donations:

Samaritan’s Purse [2]


Kentucky Southern Baptist Conventi [3]on.

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A word of warning: Brian Williams Quits TV: America In 2021 Is “Unrecognizable” [4]. JWR’s Comment: It remains to be seen if he goes Full Sharyl Atkinsson [5]. But bless him for at least having the guts to say what he did.

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Bear wrote us:

“Reportedly, in response to the Julian Assange extradition ruling, Wikileaks has released a mass of documents. Here is a link to the index: https://www.bitterrootbugle.com/2021/12/14/wikileaks-data-dump/ [6]
I think things are going to keep getting, shall we say, ‘interesting’…”

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Mark McC. wrote in response to a recent article:

“A smallpox epidemic would be horrifying if it had a 25% mortality, but many of us age 50 and older may be protected.

Have a concave or flat circular scar on your upper arm? That was left by a smallpox shot you got as a kid.
While the CDC says smallpox vax last only 3-5 years, some scientists say it has some lifetime protection [7].
A description of how the smallpox vaccine was invented: “Edward Jenner innoculated his gardner’s son with pus from a cowpox lesion on a milkmaid’s hand. Then sometime later he exposed the same child on both arms with the pus from someone who had smallpox.  The child never developed smallpox thereby proving immunity to smallpox by inoculating with cowpox.”
This should be easy to replicate in the event of a smallpox epidemic.
Finally, although not mentioned anywhere, the antiviral and antihelmic drug Ivermectin (yes, pony paste) could be useful for smallpox, as well as Covid. It can’t hurt to keep a couple of tubes [of plain Ivermectin paste] in stock.”

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Reader FJ sent this news from rural New York:  Hikers in Sneakers Stranded in 8 Inches of Snow Atop Mount Marcy Rescued [8]. Here are FJ’s comments:

“The “un”-preppers get lucky.  “Don’t know how to read a map” and they go hiking. “surprised by the temperature change of elevation”.

D**n fools were just lucky.
My question: who paid for the search and rescue operation?”

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Some real-life footage: Pirates attack sailboat [9]. The comments are enlightening.

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Kirk sent this kind note:

“Please thank Pat for another great essay. His essay on RVs woke me back up. I bought a used 20-year-old top of the line motorhome with pushouts, full amenities in excellent condition, a year and a half ago at a 10th of its original new price. Got it for my son and daughter-in-law to use. They are off-grid on 15 acres while they build their house, which should be finished in February of 2022. The motorhome has increased in value so much now, I can sell it for about a $7,000 profit.  Then I read Pat’s essay. Now I think I will keep it and just leave it at my son’s house. While my son will have room for us at his house, the whole family is going there once the ‘zombies’ come. Pat made me remember how nice it was to chill in the RV setting. Can sit at the table and just have woods all around you while you drink your coffee. I figure in a long term situation,  it would still be nice to have my own little space for my wife and I.  Thanks, Pat.

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Reader K.B. alerted us to this: Document: FDA Colluding with the US Postal Service to Block Delivery of Ivermectin [10].

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Over at LifeSiteNews: Canada’s anti ‘conversion therapy’ law is a declaration of war on religion, families and conscience [11].

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Reader L.E. mentioned this useful web page: Township and Range – Search By Latitude and Longitude [12]JWR’s Comments:  My advice is to first use Google Earth to find an area of interest. Copy and paste the Lat./Long. data into that web page. Then with the Township and Range information, you can then find the appropriate free USGS topographic map sheets online at sites like Topozone [13]. Hardcopy map sheets can be purchased online, or at your local USFS Ranger District office. The 15-Minute map series are fine for hiking, but if available also get 7.5-Minute maps for your A.O. Those show greater detail–right down to antenna towers and cattle stock tanks. As with most other references, hard copy will be your friend, in a grid-down collapse. The worst-case will be that even GPS satellites will go offline. Plan accordingly.

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Tim J. wrote to mention this video from Naomi Brockwell: Best Ways To Prevent Malware [14].

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Reader C.B. spotted this: Particulate peril: Researchers find wildfire smoke poses neurological hazards [15].

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR [16]. or AVL [16]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [17] form.