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SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

First up is this bad news: U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship [1]. JWR’s Comment: The only thing worse than corporate censorship (a la Facebook and YouTube) and national censorship (a la the Chinese Communist Party) is supranational (globalist) censorship. Soon, it may be time to break out your old IBM Selectric [2].

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This Los Angeles Times article was widely republished: Brutal, brazen crimes shake L.A., leaving city at a crossroads [3].

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Tim in Connecticut wrote us:

“You may have mentioned this book previously on the blog but I want to say that the book, ‘The Chief Witness’ by Sayragul Sauytbay is an eye-opening account of the concentration camps currently being operated by communist China. What is and has been going on in these camps makes Hitler look like an amateur.

Please encourage your friends and family to refrain from purchasing Chinese products whenever possible. China is the number one danger to our county and the free world. I purchased my copy from Booksamillion.”

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Once A Marine wrote:

“I really appreciate your musings on economic survival.

What you proposed in your essay seems radical to folks who are accustomed to business as usual.  The PEG approach has worked for immigrant people over the years.  That includes my Irish ancestors.  The PEG approach is especially important for people who are undocumented and already live in a parallel economy.  The same has been true for Black people over the decades, as they were excluded from “business as usual” as run by white people.
I reckon those preppers who adopt this approach will develop an empathy for those who live outside the law, by necessity.
Here is something similar to what you propose.  It is an excerpt from #RebuildTheHood2020: I plan to disrupt inner city development through a money pooling method used by other communities for at least a century [4].

“Mark my words:
Equity crowdfunding will be the fundraising future for civic development, particularly in cities like Detroit. More people are stepping up to battle issues like displacement, and poverty through social entrepreneurship. With the creation of the JOBS Act of 2012 [5], the way entrepreneurs can secure capital has been disrupted, putting more power into the hands of grassroot enterprises looking to leave a better social footprint on the world. But if we really think about it, the concept of crowdfunding, especially for community development, isn’t new at all.

Think about it: How are our nation’s Chinatowns, Arabtowns, Koreatowns [6], Mexicantowns, and others created and maintained? They’re practicing crowdfunding, just in an informal way.

In 1994, Cecil Adams described the money kye, an informal money pool mastered by Korean Americans where, “10–20 people contribute to a cash pool each month. The ante can range from $75 or $100 to thousands of bucks. The pot is given to a different member each month, who invests it as he or she sees fit, usually in a business, home purchase, or the like, although there is nothing to prevent somebody from blowing it at the track. When everybody has had a turn, the club disbands. The money is not a loan and you don’t have to pay it back.” That’s basically a form of crowdfunding. More than Koreans, Adams says, “The concept is hardly confined to Koreans; Chinese have the hui, West Indians the susu, and Ethiopians the ekub.” We are learning a technique others have spent at least a century mastering.”

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Avalanche Lily: In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith [7].

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John T. suggested this online article: Time Is Getting Short, The World Going Crazy – And Christians Are Simply Joining In [8].

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Reader Linda E. sent this recommendation for a couple of movies:

“My suggestions: No Blade of Grass (English), and Panic in Year Zero (American). Both are low-key and very realistic, and breakdown always follows the same pattern, those survive best who recognize early on the need to get out, and who have food and guns. Rapes become common, young males become violent without the societal restrictions, and even close friends and relatives will turn on you for the last slice of bread, and you always need much more ammo than you have. One interesting item is that the female partners almost always make the wrong decisions because they think with their emotions, and the males have to take over in order for the group to survive, interesting allegories.”

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Richard T. wrote:

“Avalanche Lily’s thoughts about the mark of the beast and buying and selling reminded me of our recent visit to the East Coast; the restaurant did not have printed menus at hand, [instead] you had to order everything over the Internet via your smartphone. You also paid the bill with your smartphone, even if you wanted to have a refill, you had to do that over the Internet. Our table required three different bills, which they balked at, and one wanted to pay cash, which got to be very involved and time-consuming. Overall it took us an extra 45 minutes to make the transaction, paper menu, separate bills and paying in cash. I can see how easy it would be to require an online vaccine requirement, or a stop to all credit card purchases for any reason “in the name of public safety”.

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Reader C.B.  sent this link: Scientists Studying Omicron in South Africa See Rise in Covid-19 Reinfections [9].

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Over at American Partisan: WYOMING SURVIVAL: Setting Up ANDFLMSG And A Baofeng UV-5R [10].

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A Becker News Exclusive: It’s ‘Game Over’ for the CDC If These Death Rates Hold True [11]. JWR’s Comment: If the main goal of “slowing the spread” and then “immunization” was Saving Grandma, then the war on the Wu Flu is over. All that is left now is an undeclared war on freedom and small business commerce.

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And to round out this column, Mike in Alaska recommended this land navigation instructional video: Map and Compass (Simplified) [12].

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR [13]. or AVL [13]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [14] form.