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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “JWR [1]”. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. Today, we look at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Justice Department Arrests Two in Ransomware Hacks

I spotted this in the highly-recommended McAlvany Daily G2 e-newsletter: Justice Department arrests two in ransomware hacks [2].

Jim Caviezel’s “The Storm is Upon Us” Speech

Reader Rick P. suggested a video link to powerfully patriotic and Christian speech: Jim Caviezel “The Storm is Upon Us” – The Sound of Freedom [3]. A couple of quotes from his rousing speech:

“We are headed into the storm of all storms. Yes, the storm is upon us.”

“We must fight for that authentic freedom and live my friends. By God, we must live and with the Holy Spirit as your shield and Christ as your sword may you join Saint Michael and all the other angels in defending God and sending Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong.”

Candace Owens Opines on a Grid-Down Situation

Reader H.L. sent us this video link: Candace Owens: What would you do if they brought the power grid down? [4]

In the Rural West, Some Residents Ready for Firefighting

H.H. sent this: In the Rural West, Some Residents Are Taking Firefighting Into Their Own Hands [5].

The Kenosha Kid Trial May Be a Fait Accompli

Over at Zero Hedge: Rittenhouse Witness Blows Case For Prosecution, Admits He Pointed Gun, Advanced First [6]. JWR’s Comments: At this point, the judge should just issue either a directed verdict on the murder charges or a mistrial with prejudice for all of the charges. But he probably won’t, for the sake of appearances. (And presumably to prevent post-trial riots.) The curfew violation charge has been dropped.  It now seems that the only remaining issue is how the jury will handle the issue of “a minor carrying a firearm”. Since young Mr. Rittenhouse showed more restraint and trigger control than many trained police officers in three separate life-or-death situations, and the state saw fit to try him as an adult, then the jury ought to recognize him as an adult, with a right to keep and bear arms. Take note: He fired only when attacked, stopped shooting when each attacker was no longer a threat, and he harmed no bystanders. And, notably, per Wisconsin Code §948.60(3)(c), Rittenhouse should be exonerated on the unlawful firearms carry charge, since at age 17 he met the exceptions to that law. In my estimation, The Kenosha Kid deserves a commendation rather than a conviction.

Rural Democrats Concerned After Virginia Election Defeat

A Politico piece linked over at the Whatfinger.com  [7]news aggregation site: Rural Democrats stare into the abyss after Virginia [8]. The piece begins:

“As Democrats sort through the wreckage of their loss in Virginia, a familiar feeling is creeping over the dwindling number of rural officials left in the party: They have seen this show before.”

Remington is Moving to Georgia

Tim J. sent us this: Gun maker Remington moving to Georgia in $100M, 856-job deal [9]. JWR’s Comments: I predict that the majority of Blue State gun manufacturers will eventually relocate, to escape the high-tax, anti-gun, anti-business atmosphere of the Northeast. Most of them will head a few hundred miles south but a fair number may move all the way to Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming.

Essay: A Distributed Capacity for Violence

Reader H.L. suggested this thought-provoking essay, over at The Burning Platform: A Distributed Capacity for Violence: A Brief History of Weapons Technology and Political Power [10].

You can send your news tips to JWR [1]. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact [11] form.) Thanks!