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This is Not My Planned TEOTWAWKI , by S.F. in Oregon

I’ve planned and prepared for a panoply of disasters: Financial collapse?  Check.  EMP strike?  Check.  Mutant Biker Apocalypse?  Check.  Slow descent into Third World conditions?  Hmmm…  This is not the TEOTWAWKI I prepared for.  So, let’s regroup and reassess.
As society collapses slowly in what can only be described as a slow-motion-controlled demolition of civilization, what are we witnessing?

Labor shortages, at least for now.  Perhaps the end of unemployment benefits will reverse this, but if this is planned (The Great Reset), then it may continue.  How does this play out?  The other day a friend who does not make a habit of refilling his gas tank at the 1/2 way point had to drive all over town to find an open station at 11pm.  He ended up having to borrow some of my ethanol-free stabilized gasoline stash.  Okay, that prep was still useful.  What else?  Deliveries slow down.  My fulfillment house is now taking twice as long to ship inventory for my business.  The other day a domestic  FedEx delivery got stuck at a terminal hub for days.  Why? Labor shortages.  This means that things you want to purchase including parts for repairs take longer and longer to source.

I suspect that there will come a time when the delay times extend faster than the production times increase.  Think of it this way:  Once a swimmer reaches a point where the ocean current is pushing him out to sea faster than he can swim to shore, he’s not going to get back to dry land.  We may already be at that point for certain items.  In time, many everyday items may become ‘unobtainium’.

Individual and mass hysteria.  Part of this is stress.  Part of this is media programming.  Part of this may be due to vaccine-induced brain damage.  In any case, how does this play out?  Division of ‘us vs. them’ and the ‘dehumanization’ of the ‘enemy’ makes for mob violence.  At an individual level we may see more random violence.  The canary in the coal mine is the violence in cities where elderly or Asians are sucker-punched or shoved onto train tracks or down stairs or someone is simply hacked at with an ax at an ATM.  This is hard to prepare for as there is no escalation from words to shoving to violence.  The obvious solution is to avoid cities, but as this trend continues, we must be more mindful.  Road rage may become more generalized.  People may be become violent for the slightest of things, real or imagined, or simply attack for the heck of it.   Mobs of kids are now seen randomly attacking people.  We must act as if we are always in a dangerous part of town and increase our situational awareness a notch.
Loss of freedoms.  Witness the monstrosity that Australia has become.  What if those that do not vaccinate are denied the right to travel and are stopped at military checkpoints?  Do you know someone that is vaccinated that you can pay to do your shopping?  What if you are in the car with your family and are vaccinated at gunpoint?  Do you have protocols for neutralizing the vaccine.  (If requested, I’ll post my protocols).

Medical issues.  What if you cannot see a doctor or go to a hospital without a vaccination.   What if you can but they are understaffed or without proper meds?  Do you have the meds you need?  If Covid is here to stay like the seasonal flu, do you have Ivermectin?  What if the local farm store runs of out the horse paste?  You can get it at insulinhub.com [1] inexpensively.  Do you know the protocols?

Personally, I’m not interested in getting a weaponized flu 2x a year for 2 weeks at a time.  Yes, I’ve taken Ivermectin 1 time and it knocked out… something very fast.  Yes, I’ve talked personally to 2 people who then agreed to take Ivermectin.  One was in hospice after the hospital sent them away to die, the other still in bad shape but not that bad.  Both recovered.
Prices going up.  If you’ve prepped for a financial collapse, this one is covered.
Homeschooling.  Do you have the resources?  Can you form a local group and take turns so you can still go to work.
It’s clear that this current bit of human madness is nowhere close to being over and peak crazy is still a ways off. No, this isn’t the TEOTWAWKI that I prepped for, but then again… close enough.