Just as I reached the back of the gun shop that I haunt, one of the owners, Mark, reached into the display case, and asked me: “Have you seen the new Glock forty-five?” Before I could even answer, it was in my hands, and I liked it – a lot. Wow! A single-stack Glock in .45 ACP, and it feels sooo good…” Boy, what I wrong, I should have known better – you can’t tell what a Glock is by the model numbers they assigned to their handguns. I admit that I don’t keep up with all the latest firearms like I used to – just not enough hours in the day for that. So, I had mistakenly believed that this Glock forty-five, was chambered in .45 ACP. Every now and then, the guys at the gun shop pull a “gotcha” moment on me, because they learn about a new handgun before I do.
Needless to say, the new Glock “forty-five”, isn’t chambered in the .45 ACP. Instead, it is chambered in the ubiquitous 9mm Parabellum, but there’s a whole lot more to the story. The gun felt good in my hand, very familiar, to say the least. Had I taken a moment to put on my reading glasses, I would have seen on the slide, that it was marked 9mm, and not .45 ACP. Another thing that caught my eye immediately was that the barrel extended beyond the slide and it is threaded to accept a suppressor. That had me excited. I’ve been thinking hard about getting a sound suppressor for quite some time, even though the Hearing Protection Act has stalled in congress. That proposed law would have treated suppressors much like firearms and removed the Federal registration and the $200 transfer tax.
Many people believe that a sound suppressor is a “silencer” as seen in the movies. Well, that’s not the truth. They don’t “silence” the sound of a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun, they only reduce the sound signature – quite a bit – but they are not true “silencers” – that’s false. Still, they have their place, in the overall scheme of things. One is, the reduced sound helps protect your hearing – a lot. The first suppressed firearm that I fired was an HK MP5, that the late Col. Rex Applegate had in his collection – it was a lot of fun to shoot on his rural property – right out the back door of his Annex building, where he kept his gun and knife collections. To be sure, Applegate had plenty of 9mm submachine ammo – he had no less than 50,000-rounds on-hand for several of his submachine guns chambered in 9mm. And, I couldn’t even count the amount of .44 Mag ammo he had – it took up a small room itself. Impressive! I worked for Applegate from 1990 until 1993, when we moved from the area, and he had no less than 850 firearms in his collection. It was almost a full-time job maintaining his guns and knives every month.
[1]Back to the Glock Model 45: This model has a frame that is the length of the Glock 17, and it’s a full-sized pistol. However, the slide is the length of that found on the compact Glock 19 – however, the barrel is a little bit longer, because of the threading on the end, to accept a screw-on sound suppressor. The slide also has suppressor height sights on it – meaning they are taller than the standard sights, in order to see over the suppressor – very nice touch. However, one drawback is that, with the higher front sight, the gun wouldn’t fit in any of my Blackhawk Products [2] molded Kydex holsters – too tight of a fit. Though it will fit in some leather holsters. I removed the sights and installed a set of standard Glock sights – a perfect fit. But if I ever obtain an over-the-counter sound suppressor, then I’ll re-install the taller sights on the Model 45.
[4]As we look at the slide closely, the front of the slide is nicely, very nicely angled/beveled for easier re-holstering – another outstanding touch. Of course, nice grasping grooves on the rear/sides of the slide for easy chambering of a round, or extraction. Moving down to the frame, we have an ambidextrous slide release/stop – nice touch, but it won’t allow holstering in the skimpy factory-made Glock plastic holsters, without removing a little bit of material on the right side of the holster to accommodate the right-side slide release/stop – an easy enough project. There are no finger grooves on the front of the frame – and I like that. I used to think that the finger grooves were a good idea, but not any longer. I realized that I want my fingers to go where they want to go, when I grip a handgun – not where the grooves say my fingers should be – a small thing, but its important to me.
[5]There are nice tiny “pyramid” protrusions on the grip – all the way around, for a very secure on the gun when you are holding it – not matter what the weather might be. Plus, you get two additional backstraps if you have big hands, or just want a different feel when holding the gun – they are easy to install – just remove a pin, put on the new backstrap, and re-install the pin. I personally like the way the gun felt without either backstrap in-place – felt perfect without either of the extra backstraps installed. Of course, the grip is black polymer, and the slide is all-steel, with the famous black coating that Glock is known for – extremely durable under any weather conditions.
[6]The Glock 45 takes the standard Glock 17-round magazines–with or without +2 extensions–as well as the Glock 3-round or 33-round extended magazines. It also works well with the fairly new ETS, 40-round magazines – outstanding. We are talking a lot of fire-power in a handgun-sized package. Aas a side note: I currently have my Glock 45 fitted inside the CAA Micro Conversion Kit set-up, so it looks more like a submachine gun, than a pistol, and it is accurate out to 150-yards on a man-sized target, yet is very compact and super light-weight as well. With a red dot sight on the top-mounted Picatinny rail, and back-up “iron” sights, plus a light and green laser, it is the ultimate home defense package if you ask me. But that’s another article.
My Shooting Tests
No matter how good a gun might look and feel, the proof is in firing it, and I’ve yet to have a brand-new, in-the-box Glock fail to function of exhibit great accuracy and reliable function. A Glock is one of the few guns, I would take out of the box, load it up and put it on my side for duty or self-defense use, without test-firing it first. However, I always test-fire every gun I own, before trusting it, just the same.
From Black Hills Ammunition [7] I had most of their 9mm line-up, but I was missing a few from their line-up because of a lot of 9mm handgun testing for articles. But in any event, I had their 115-gr JHP +P, 124-gr JHP +P, 115-gr FMJ, 124-gr JHP, 115-gr Barnes Tac-XP +P and their 100-gr HoneyBadger all-copper +P load that is not a hollow point, but just as effective – if not more so. So, I had a great selection to run through my new Glock 45 – that is, once again, chambered in 9mm – not in .45 ACP.
In all my testing along with the help from my lovely wife, as a volunteer shooter – she loves to burn through ammo like it is water…we fired more than 500-rounds though the Glock 45 in a couple of hours. It was especially fun for my wife. She loved going through those ETS 40-round magazines, making rocks jump downrange and destroying them in short order.
Accuracy testing was conducted at 25 yards, with me shooting over a cushioned rifle rest atop a huge boulder. Just using the Model 45, without it in the CAA Micro Conversation Kit, I was consistently getting groups hovering right around 3.00 to 3.50 inches without much trouble at all – and I wasn’t concentrating as much as I should have. Once I hunkered down, I was getting groups hanging in there right at 3.00 inches with all of the loads, except one – that was the Black Hills 124-gr JHP – their standard velocity round, not the +P load. I’ve found this to be an excellent round for use in most 9mm chambered handguns, and it would be a great choice for self-defense as well.
A Quick Thread Protector Fix
As I mentioned the threaded barrel comes with a screw-on thread protector. However, I found that it will shoot itself loose in short order. So I installed a rubber “O” ring on the barrel and they screwed on the thread protector – and tightened it down. It never came loose after that. Strange that Glock didn’t include a rubber “O” ring or similar device on the Model 45. Nor is there any mention in their owner’s manual to address this problem.
If you’re thinking about doing the red tape routine, and jumping through all the paperwork hoops and paying the $200 Federal transfer tax to get a sound suppressor for a handgun, I can highly recommend the Glock 45. It was 100% reliable in my testing. But then again, I wouldn’t expect any problems – it’s a Glock! The Model 45is selling for around $600 – if you can find one, they are a little bit hard to come by!
Comments Disabled To "Glock Model 45, by Pat Cascio"
#1 Comment By Krissy On November 16, 2020 @ 8:07 am
I thoroughly enjoyed learning from this article. (I wish you could have heard my audible when I read about the $200 tax. Unbelievable! It is robbery!) Anyway, I really appreciated that you shared your wife’s perspective. I loved it.
#2 Comment By Live free or die On November 16, 2020 @ 11:14 am
the $200 tax is not even the worse part of a suppressor. you will need to submit finger prints too. (that is why i do not own one)
#3 Comment By Jimbo On November 16, 2020 @ 4:20 pm
The [Federal NFA] tax Is the worst form of revenue naziism.
#4 Comment By Survivormann99 On November 16, 2020 @ 5:16 pm
You’re telling me that you never thought it was important in the military, too.
#5 Comment By BamaMan On November 17, 2020 @ 8:23 pm
even worse is waiting a year for a manual reply from uncle sam when they digitally run your finger prints and back ground check.
#6 Comment By 2gunpt On November 16, 2020 @ 8:39 am
Hi Pat,
For clarification your Glock 45 has an extended threaded barrel. I own a Glock 45 that came with a standard length barrel and no threading. While both are a Glock model 45, they apparently have at least two versions. Also of note, the Glock 19X was submitted for the military sidearm solicitation that was ultimately won by the Sig P320. The Glock 19X is almost the same pistol as a Glock 45 without the extended threaded barrel and comes in a desert tan color. Thanks for your articles.
#7 Comment By Charley Waite On November 16, 2020 @ 11:18 am
Every gun review lately ends the same way :”if you can find one….”
#8 Comment By Mike 16 On November 16, 2020 @ 1:46 pm
For many years I shunned Glocks because I preferred a hammer. There’s something about the clicks they make that is a soothing effect. I eventually bought a gen 4 model 19 as a just in case things get crazy I could easily sell it but then I decided to dust it off and shoot it. I agree with Pat, out of the box Glocks run. That’s a bit weird in my mind but it’s why my EDC pistol is a Glock 26. I also have a registered suppressor and it is a personal choice but for me it’s worth the hassle to have one if you are debating about it. The lower recoil and noise really help make shooting more pleasant, particularly for my wife who avoids public ranges because of some bad experiences with people next to us and excessive muzzle blast.
#9 Comment By alfie On November 16, 2020 @ 1:58 pm
I jumped though the hoops and did the whole nine yards thing and it took about 12 months to get .30 cal suppressor ( wish I had this 40 plus yrs ago before I lost a good part of my hearing ), now I’m hearing that the wait is down to 5 to 7 months ( maybe, if Biden and whatshername doesn’t screw things up ). I took it out the other day to check my rifle for accuracy and yes there is lot of difference with it on and without it on ( like I said before, wish I had this yrs ago ). And the hearing protection act, I don’t look for anything to happen with that, not with Biden and whatshername taking over ( hopefully not, but )
#10 Comment By David Smuin On November 16, 2020 @ 3:18 pm
If you want a lot more detail on the evolution of US anti-gun law in the form of a riveting novel, then I recommend you find a copy of a book by John Ross titled Unintended Consequences published in 1996.
#11 Comment By jima On November 16, 2020 @ 4:01 pm
Regarding suppressors: I purchased a Sig SRD 556 for my AR. It took 14 months and 2 days to receive permission from the ATF to take it home. With the suppressor basic cost, the transfer tax and an NFA trust it was over $1000 total. Here is the “good ” part: unsuppressed the decibel reading is 142. Suppressed the decibel reading is 136. This is with standard velocity ammo , not subsonic. Must wear hearing protection even suppressed. In addition, the carbon fouling of the bolt/chamber/gas tube is greatly increased. To me it’s just not worth the “investment”.
#12 Comment By TJMO On November 16, 2020 @ 4:28 pm
Hope Glock is listening about a single-stack .45.
#13 Comment By Anonymous On November 16, 2020 @ 4:38 pm
Try the Glock 36…
#14 Comment By John On November 16, 2020 @ 4:54 pm
I don’t know if “unintended consequences” is back in print now but it used to be you needed to download a copy. I think the late great Mike Vanderboegh had a link to the download. But he’s gone some years now. “Say his name”
At any rate, a riveting riotous account of gun control with appropriate rewards for the controllers. A story, that needs to be widely read with attitudes that need to be adopted widely.
#15 Comment By Pete the Pickled Prepper On November 17, 2020 @ 2:45 am
We could use Henry Bowman about now!
#16 Comment By Bluetiful Bee On November 16, 2020 @ 6:37 pm
thanks for sharing very informative
#17 Comment By Seymour Liberty On November 16, 2020 @ 8:41 pm
Thanks Pat! As always, I appreciate learning from your reviews. Glocks are effective, durable, and affordable weapons, with great lead capacity, and several of my buddies carry them.
I wanted to offer an opinion emphasizing capacity, not relating to this reviewed pistol, but to any pistol. I’m not directing this to anyone in particular, or about any firearm in particular. All firearms have tradeoffs; whether it is size, weight, caliber, recoil, concealability, etc. I personally like different features in all of my weapons, and have different ones for different purposes. They are tools after all. I personally like steel or alloy framed over polymer, hammer over striker, but those are all MY personal preferences. I shoot what is comfortable and works well for me, and everyone else should carry/own/shoot what works well for them. This IS still America after all! (at least for now)
This comment as I said is more about capacity. In my mind, a pistol is a defensive weapon. I view it as a tool to help me get out of a bad situation, and if it is really bad, to get me back to a long gun, or a true fighting weapon.
Years ago, my DW (SWMBO) pointed out a recount of a defensive shooting in my monthly NRA Rifleman magazine. In that recount, a woman (and it could just as easily have been a man) was at home with two small children, and her husband had just left for work. Two men who were watching the house forced entry into the home, and the Mom retreated to an upstairs bedroom with the two toddlers and closed herself in a closet with her 38 special (5 shot) revolver. The men entered the bedroom, and one opened the closet door. She fired all 5 shots hitting the first assailant twice in the chest and the other man once (forget where, I think an extremity). Both men fled the house; one died on the lawn, the other was arrested at a hospital (if my memory is accurate) nearby.
My wife’s point was this: what if she had missed more than the two shots, or there was a third man, or a fourth? She was out of rounds after 5. It was then that DW insisted we get her a standard capacity 15/17 round 9mm pistol, which we did. After trying out 10 different semi’s, the S&W 5 shot wheel gun is now affectionately referred to as the cookie jar/dictionary gun and she shoots a P226 like a champion!
My point is this: concealability and comfort are important, but effectiveness ‘under stress’ is also important. There are LOTS of great guns at all price points. I even saw one pistol, a Ruger Security 9, was available for $299-$329 (before the riots started) with a 15-17rd capacity (I don’t work for them or have any financial interest in Ruger). Obviously get something that is in your price range, that you shoot well, and is comfortable, but keep in mind that when you are adrenaline rushed in a ‘real life and death situation’, it will be better to have more rounds to place on target than a 5 or 6 or even 7/8 shot can give you.
Just something to think about.
As always, hoping we all…
Seymour Liberty
#18 Comment By Wolf Alaska On November 17, 2020 @ 12:00 am
NFA of 1934. $200 tax stamp nearly (or was) a year’s pay for many folks in 1934. Army private’s pay in 1940 = $17 per month. The FDR Democrats effectively banned those items covered by NFA. Neatly sidestepped the unconstitutional banning. Hey, it’s just a TAX. Taxation is a government right! Nothing to see here, move along.
No one knows how the surpressor ban found its way into the bill.
Let’s Roll