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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “JWR [1]”.  Today, we look at the Spokesman-Review’s Faulty Reporting.

Invasive Ticks in Tennessee

G.P. spotted this: Invasive Tick Detected in Tennessee – WBBJ TV [2]

Foreign Land Ownership in U.S.

Reader D.S. sent a link to this NPR news article: ‘American Soil’ Is Increasingly Foreign Owned [3]

The U.K.’s Real Minority Report

Reader G.P. sent this: Cops using ‘Minority Report’ predictive policing could see INNOCENT citizens framed [4]

U.S. Warns of Spying Chinese-Made Drones

A hat tip to reader SOG, who sent: ‘We’re Not Being Paranoid’: U.S. Warns Of Spy Dangers Of Chinese-Made Drones [5]. A snippet:

“…the Department of Homeland Security is warning that drones manufactured by Chinese companies could pose security risks, including that the data they gather could be stolen.

The department sent out an alert on the subject on May 20, and a video on its website [6] notes that drones in general pose multiple threats, including ‘their potential use for terrorism, mass casualty incidents, interference with air traffic, as well as corporate espionage and invasions of privacy.'”

The Spokesman-Review’s Faulty Reporting

The feckless hacks at The Spokesman-Review in Spokane,Washington got several things wrong, once again, in this article: Liberty State supporters raise funds at event after tense ‘silent protest’ by ex-Matt Shea backers [7].

The article was a mix of untruths, half-truths, and smears. The newspaper staffer began the piece with this lie: “Supporters of the new Christian conservative state – which would span parts of Washington and Oregon as well as Idaho, Montana and Wyoming…”  That is a blatant falsity. It is The American Redoubt movement that encompasses those regions, not the Liberty State movement. And it is is not exclusively directed to Christians. From the beginning, we have encouraged both Christians and Jews to relocate here. The goal of the American Redoubt is not to combine several states into some sort of superstate. Rather, it is simply to encourage internal migration to make those states more conservative and closer aligned to traditional Judeo-Christian values. The Liberty State movement only seeks to partition the counties of eastern Washington into a new state of the Union. This is just how West Virginia came to exist, when it partitioned from Virginia. That process is allowed in the U.S. Constitution and has several precedents.

Next, the author of the article attempted to besmirch the proceedings by mentioning that one of the attendees was  Barry Byrd, a former racist, who leads the Marble Community Fellowship, citing a document Byrd had co-authored 31 years ago. Since then, Byrd has a had a genuine change of heart and renounced that document. What was not mentioned is that the Marble Community Fellowship now has two black pastors in residence!

That smear was immediately followed by another lie:

“At one point during her own speech Thursday, Shea’s legislative assistant, Rene’ Holaday, said supporters of the 51st state idea were bound by a common sentiment: ‘It’s either going to be bloodshed or Liberty State.’”

But this was a mis-quote, possibly deliberate. That “…bloodshed or Liberty State” was actually Rene’ Holaday reporting what she had heard several members of the Republican caucus of the Washington state legislature saying, in response to the onslaught of leftist legislation, in Olympia. (And that by the way did not include Matt Shea. It was other Republicans in the legislature who had made those statements.)

The other premise of the article was that there was somehow a deep division within the Liberty State movement. The so-called “silent protest” was led by Tanner Rowe and Jay Pounder former bodyguards of  Rep. Matt Shea. They were never leaders of the Liberty State movement.

The article ended with:  “Shea then shared screenshots of threats he had received as evidence that he and his supporters are under attack from ominous political forces.”

This seems to imply that Shea is somehow paranoid. No, these were legitimate death threats that he and his family had been sent. If a liberal Democrat State Senator had received the same threats, would The Spokesman-Review have characterized them the same way? I doubt that.

It is amazing how many lies and innuendos that the journalist managed to squeeze into a brief 708-word article.  

Anti-Gunner to Head ATF?

H.S. suggested this blog article: Fraternal Order of Police President Chuck Canterbury Picked To Head ATF [8]

GPS Dialed Down for Red Flag Training in Alaska


Venezuelan Ex-Pats Arming Up

Another sent to us by Reader SOG: From Colombia, Venezuelan defectors arm themselves to ‘liberate’ their homeland [10]

High Tech Censorship

Over at International Man: Eliminating Free Speech The Smart Way [11]

You can send your news tips to JWR [1]. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact [12] form.) Thanks!




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#1 Comment By hl On June 1, 2019 @ 11:42 am

Regarding article about new head of the ATF. Someday Americans who value the 2nd Amendment will have to decide to “fish or cut bait”. Decide whether to hide their firearms or turn them over to the Government. Fight back or give in! The Govt. will “decide” just as in some other so-called civilized nations which farmer or rancher can have a hunting rifle to protect their animals against LARGE predators. What will some of the so-called Rednecks or Hillbillies (a proud name in my book) do???? I expect I will NOT be living to find out, but I KNOW what I would do were I around. I LONG ago decided how far anyone would PUSH me, or completely control me. Within the bounds of honor and kindness I have lived my life that way. I see things as Black or White! Right or Wrong. I am very much like some of my long dead Yankee ancestors, and I KNOW their history going back to the 1600’s.

#2 Comment By Fred On June 1, 2019 @ 1:42 pm

Ticks in Tennessee
We got ticks alright. We got all kinds of ticks. We got Appalachian ticks, we got the Lone Star Texas tick, we got rocky mountain spotted fever ticks, deer ticks, Blacklegged ticks, we got ’em fatter than a tick on a coon dog, we got ’em dug in like an Alabama tick, Man, even the ticks got ticks down here. (it’s only funny if you imagine the east TN hillbilly accent saying it.) Seriously though, the ticks are bad here already. We didn’t really need another one.

Chinese-Made Drones
The Chicoms using every open source opportunity to collect data against America and it’s people? Balderdash, they’re our allies, they would never do that.

Faulty Reporting
Sorry JWR, but it’s not faulty reporting it’s propaganda and the writer and editor and owner of the paper don’t care about truth or the truth. So, you’ve laid out a very succinct rebuttal full of facts but they didn’t care about facts at the outset and they don’t care now. The Right, using logic and facts, wins another argument…with itself, while Saul Alinsky rules the day in the public square.

Anti-Gunner to Head ATF
Is there any other kind of ATF head, the ATF being an illegal agency.

#3 Comment By Chris On June 1, 2019 @ 2:54 pm

I’d occasionally heard of foreigners buying land in the US, but had no idea that it was happening as much as described in the linked article. So when the USD erodes in hyper-inflation, & the US govt’s influence is also eroded, the foreigners will already be prepared to simply take over portions of the USA. The stage is being prepared.

#4 Comment By Joe On June 1, 2019 @ 2:56 pm

Chuck Canterbury, I doubt that President knows the back ground of this candidate . Since most appointees are prepared by and supposedly vetted by underlings this would be a good time to write the president and inform him he may have been duped. Personally I would eliminate him as a candidate for the position as well as firing anyone that was involved in suggesting him. Most swamps are full of snakes and there are some lurking here.

#5 Comment By Fred On June 1, 2019 @ 8:08 pm

I seriously doubt that he doesn’t know. Why wouldn’t he want a strong ATF? Why wouldn’t he want to make the ATF great? I don’t think it would EVER occur to him that a federal law enforcement agency would need anything but to be very well funded and staffed with men willing to do their jobs aggressively. In fact, anything other than that would be counter to everything he’s said and done so far, even in private business. No, you got what you voted for. He’s not libertarian even one iota. He wants to make America great, and strong, and safe by the hand of the Federal Government, he said so…and it’s that ‘safe’ part that should scare the snot out of you.

#6 Comment By OneGuy On June 1, 2019 @ 3:05 pm

I would be in favor of making it illegal for a foreigner or a foreign company to own land in this country. I am also opposed to foreigners or foreign companies owning businesses in America.

#7 Comment By TominAlaska On June 1, 2019 @ 3:54 pm

Having worked many year for a state government agency (law enforcement, no less) I took note that elected Republican governors had no conception of who’s who within the employee rank and file. They ultimately retained, promoted or reappointed liberal employees because ….. as I’ve heard so many times……… ‘he/she must know something they been there for x-many years’.

I voted for Trump and would do so again as the lesser of evils. But ,his biggest mistake was not firing every phony, liberal, commie, partisan, self loving, back stabbing employee in the federal system.

And it is not too late to do it.

#8 Comment By Montana Guy On June 1, 2019 @ 6:38 pm

Re. Chinese-Made Drones
DHS warnings us about the use of Chinese drones is laughable. DHS’ drones are the greatest threat to our liberty.

#9 Comment By NS On June 1, 2019 @ 7:08 pm

RE: Faulty reporting – I’m constantly amazed how the media absolutely refuses to simply report the facts as they are. Every one of them seem to believe it’s perfectly fine to simply report made up stuff. They have all, every stinking one of them, gone so far off the trolly they cannot remember what lies they told to cover up the lies they told to cover up the lies they told, and on and on and on. They have absolutely zero ethics and no concept what truth actually means. Whatever it takes to sell a story, however falsely made up or bogus facts used. The communist/socialist way is to tell the lie often enough that it will seem to become the fact.