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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL [1]”.


Algorithms are increasingly being used to make critical decisions that affect you and me. this article sent in by reader H.L. profiles a couple of disturbing incidents [2] that really make you shudder when you realize how deeply embedded this concept is. In one case, a defendant was convicted of murder by a computer algorithm matching DNA. Then the designer of that algorithm decided that it wasn’t quite right so the conviction was tossed. When the prosecutor refilled the charges with a new DNA algorithm making the case, the maker of the algorithm refused to allow the defendant to inspect it because of its proprietary nature.

Spying Speed Detectors

The next time you see one of those speed boards that tell you how fast you are going [3] you may want to think twice about taking that route. According to this article sent in by reader R.C., a good portion of those are put in place with federal grants and many will actually record the license plates of cars, reporting home with the tracking information. This is yet another method of collecting meta data on you that really serves no purpose other than just allowing government entities to track you at their whim.

Bronze Age Collapse

A SurvivalBlog reader sent in these two videos about the collapse of the Bronze Age in history. The Bronze Age has sophisticated societies with centralized governments and they all callapsed virtually within the time span of a single generation. What happened to them has been a mystery for years. This video explores several possibilities. the interesting part is the realization that as grand as modern civilization is, there is precedent for a collapse where even basic skills like reading and writing become almost extinct. The video is contained in several parts: Part 1 [4] and Part 2 [5].

Lead Risks

Reader Ben writes in:

Hi, I’m new to concealed carry and have been seeing a lot of wild claims about the dangers of lead when going shooting. The way some sources phrase it you mind as well be snorting lead dust every time you pull the trigger. Even the less fear-mongering sources suggest you follow some pretty strict safety/hygiene steps every time you’re at the range. Washing your hands and face before you eat (easy enough and one I actively do), changing your clothes and washing them immediately after every range trip (I try to do this but I don’t exactly treat my shooting range laundry like it’s toxic waste and it usually just goes in with the usual wash), wearing range-only shoes (not happening), even wearing gloves and a mask for indoor ranges (I just prefer to avoid indoor ranges). Reading many articles, it states lead dust clings to the firearm, and I’m presuming also to the holster you use. After the range, I typically just re-holster my pistol and go about my day. Am I supposed to scrub my holster every time I’m at the range to get all the little lead particles off otherwise I’ll contaminate everything else I own? It all seems rather extreme but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Figured you guys would have a better understanding than me. Thanks!

I believe that most of what is listed here as potential risks are rather minuscule in nature. Certainly if you spend significant time at an indoor range (especially if that range does not have adequate ventilation) there is some risk with lead exposure, but for the most part, simply washing your hands after you shoot is sufficient protection. Those who spend time reloading or handling raw lead are at a higher risk and may want to take more precautions, but even those risks are easily mitigated. If you are casting your own lead bullets, you are probably at the highest risk, but proper precautions go a long way to reducing your exposure. I suspect that most of the lead exposure information is really overblown and more along the anti-gun propaganda lines.

Banning Gun Purchases

Commie controlled California has done it again with corrupt Governor Jerry Brown siging a bill that outlaws the selling of any firearms to any person under the age of 21 [6]. Since you can’t exactly cross state lines in many cases, this effectively bans people under 21 years-old from using firearms as self protection. I expect this legislation to be rapidly tied up in court for a significant amount of time.Thanks to reader DSV for the link.

Tipping Point

Watching the disgusting and petty proceedings against Judge Kavanaugh has made my stomach turn this last week. The progressive left is pulling out all the stops and I am struggling to see how any rational person can take part in this sham. Reader H.L. sent this article in that suggests that this political hackery may be the tipping point in the collapse [7] of the United States.

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Please send your news tips to HJL. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact [8] form.) These are often especially relevant, because they come from folks who watch news that is important to them. Due to their diligence and focus, we benefit from fresh “on target” news. We often “get the scoop” on news that is most likely ignored (or reported late) by mainstream American news outlets. Thanks!

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#1 Comment By Fred On October 2, 2018 @ 1:02 pm

Lead Risks
I would focus on the poison processed foods and chemicals in your hair, skin, toothpaste products long before I’d worry about lead from shooting. Worrying about the lead from shooting is like swatting at a gnat while pterodactyls carry you off to the cancer ward.

#2 Comment By OneGuy On October 2, 2018 @ 3:14 pm

What poison? Or are you just reciting cult claims about foods?

California thinks everything causes cancer and everything must have a warning label. But there is little science involved in this it is more about cult beliefs.

#3 Comment By gman On October 3, 2018 @ 3:39 pm

“cult claims about foods”

heh. the romans used to boil wine in lead pots to make sapa, a highly-sweet sauce they’d put on their food. sapa was so sweet because the acid in the wine would react with the lead to form lead acetate, which tastes very sweet. they too thought everything was just fine ….

#4 Comment By tz On October 2, 2018 @ 1:04 pm

Breathalyzers are more common.
You may be sober and have not consumed any alcohol, but the Breathalizer isn’t something that just measures a number, it takes several samples and runs an algorithm.

#5 Comment By Jack On October 2, 2018 @ 1:06 pm

Lead Risks. I worked in electronics manufacturing for years where lead was a concern with all of the contact employees had with it. The results of an independent lead testing company of our factory revealed the highest exposure was found on the break room refrigerator handles. You should be good to go by washing your hands. I don’t know of any old shooters that had lead related issues.

#6 Comment By Anonymous On October 2, 2018 @ 1:28 pm

Banning Gun Purchases:

California is simply following the lead of Florida Republicans, signed into law by Gov. RIck Scott, who is running for U.S. Senate. Once this happens in one state, others will follow suit. Yes, it is a long drive from FL to GA or AL to buy a firearm. How can we encourage firearm ownership & proficiency to young folks, 18-20, when they can’t buy them.

#7 Comment By Guesty McGuesterson On October 2, 2018 @ 3:29 pm

As a lifelong Californian, I can attest to the downward spiral our Dear Leaders in Sacramento have fomented in regards to personal freedoms and firearms regulations. In addition to 2016’s recent set of “Gunmaggedon” laws, we now have to deal with the upcoming July 2019 deadline in which all retail ammo purchases will require background checks, fees, and CA DOJ documentation of your buying habits for indefinite archival. Not a single person – with the exception of only a couple of LEOs I spoke with – are even aware this is coming down the pipe because the average person has no interest in civics until they’re adversely affected, and usually too late. I’ve been stockpiling ammo for the past couple of years (I train regularly), and am certain we’ll soon see sellouts and shortages in the weeks running up to the deadline, and then a sudden cessation of purchasing as of July 1. At that point, many retailers will see profits disappear and will likely stop selling ammo altogether, leaving only gun ranges (which will be exempted from the background checks, but can sell only one box at a time), and you’d better believe the prices will soar. Stock up now and acquire at least two years’ worth, if not more!…all the naysayers mocked that this could never happen, and yet here we are.

#8 Comment By Duane Thomforde On October 2, 2018 @ 1:52 pm

Worked at a plastic factory and in the 1960’s a lot of the color material was still heavy metal based. Only ever had one of our color mixers ever get sick. After an extensive study, determined that the problem was at least intensified by his smoking. The metal dust was transferred from his fingers to the paper and the heat of the burning tobacco vaporized it and it went into his lungs. I have also was told that using lead to wipe or fill joints in the old cast iron sewer pipes, that if you let the lead get very hot, it would be more likely to harm you. Don’t know for sure, but the man that told me had been doing it for 60 years and was healthy. The old timers working with lead didn’t do too bad, but with all the new regulations, etc, the knowledge gained thru pain full experience is rapidly disappearing.

#9 Comment By Shamrock On October 2, 2018 @ 2:48 pm

Every Survival Blog reader should read the Turning Point article. It is an objective, but sad commentary on the way things are today – polarized is not in our country’s best interest. Greater tolerance is needed on all sides – we’ll all be much better for it. God bless America! (You don’t hear that phrase enough these days, either!)

#10 Comment By Roger D On October 2, 2018 @ 2:53 pm

FedGov banned lead paint to create another bogey man to fear, and to provide a conduit for government grants to rotting cities and plunder the middle class. In return for our tax dollars flushed down rat holes the incumbents bought their re-elections.

#11 Comment By OneGuy On October 2, 2018 @ 3:19 pm

I like the speed readout signs it is a good reminder in case I fail to slow down coming into town. However I travel a lot and comparing the many radar speed readout signs it is obvious that many are inaccurate or pick up spurious signals from other traffic. To use these as accurate and legal proof of speeding is a mistake. Some are accurate, some are not.

#12 Comment By Noreserve On October 2, 2018 @ 3:51 pm

Hand washing alone may not be effective in removing lead.


The Hygenall wipes are NIOSH developed and remove 98% of lead residue from skin. For around $0.25 for a wipe, it’s cheap insurance. Removing the lead as soon as possible looks to be prudent so that it doesn’t have as much time to get absorbed. I keep the Hygenall wipes in my range bag and use them immediately afterward. I also use them at home after cleaning or handling firearms and ammunition.


#13 Comment By Ben On October 4, 2018 @ 7:15 pm

Agreed. I’ve been using the hygenall wipes myself for a few months now. Do you do anything besides the wipes? For instance the changing clothes and scrubbing down guns and holsters? Thanks for the input.

#14 Comment By Deadeye Dic On October 2, 2018 @ 4:53 pm

Regarding speed limits detectors, here the city uses several mobile ones in different locations weekly. Most drivers ignore them, heck even seen others speed up to see how high they can go. Interesting note of them recording data.

#15 Comment By Wheatley Fisher On October 2, 2018 @ 5:59 pm

i use cheap ammo and have been seeing lots of glittering particles of brass on my hands afterwards. Weekly ingestion from snacking during breaks on the range can’t be good. Lead follows the same contamination route. Be cautious with your youngsters using lead nose .22 rounds. Fingers to eyes, nose, mouth is the route to inner contamination.

#16 Comment By Michele Frazier On October 2, 2018 @ 9:34 pm

The citizens of this country, like it or not, have been put in the uncomfortable position of being the jury before the Democrat’s kangaroo court. If we are still a moral nation with respect and devotion to the constitutional rule of law then we must be the defense of this good man and our right of presumed innocence. As usual the Republicans respond with too little, too late. My personal fight consists of minute by minute phone calls and emails. Democrat, Republican, or fake news, when ever I hear a stupid remark on the news, off goes a phone call or email. I also call Rep. Walden’s office, the whole swamp needs to know how the citizens are feeling about this communist tactic and what we intend to do about it.

Anyone not fighting back…..shame on you.

Granny age 75

#17 Comment By gman On October 3, 2018 @ 3:44 pm

“My personal fight consists of minute by minute phone calls and emails.”

the general rule is that everyone who actually contacts their congressman regarding an issue represents 40 others who feel the same way but who don’t say anything. unless the person making the contact does so all the time, in which case they are politely ignored.

#18 Comment By CH On October 3, 2018 @ 12:18 am

If anyone is interested in the collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations, I recommend the following:

1177BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed by Eric H. Cline

#19 Comment By M-ray On October 3, 2018 @ 3:48 am

When I was a kid back in the sixties we boys all had pellet guns and when we left in the morning on our daily adventure with our pellet guns we would fill our mouth full of lead pellets and carry them in our jaw like a chaw of tobacco. When we needed a pellet we would just spit one in to our hand and then load it in to our rifle. I can still remember the taste of the pellets and I remember how a mouth full of pellets would cause my mouth to fill with saliva which I would constantly swallow. If lead could really affect a persons brain then I would have turned in to a blithering idiot by all that lead that I had ingested but today I am perfectly normal. I would write more on the subject but the nurse is bringing me some new crayons right now and she said that if I promise to quit chewing on the table legs the doctor will loosen the straps on my straight jacket. Got to go!

#20 Comment By Bone On October 3, 2018 @ 2:20 pm

In regards to the turning point article. I have to disagree with both sides needing to be more tolerant . The left sure isnt tolerant of my beliefs, morals and ethics. They hate them and want to destroy them at any cost. I and many like minded others have been more than tolerant of the the lefts ways. We dont protest with violence, shout, scream, call people a variety of insults and phobics. We dont place offensive stickers on our vehicles or wear offensive shirts or hats. We work, raise our families, educate our children with faith and pay our taxes and vote. But the left has gone so far off the rails to ensure that their way of life is embraced and encouraged and if you do not accept it you must be stopped or your life, business or career ruined at any cost. My son has entered his first year of a state college and the writing 101 teacher has taken upon himself to indoctrinate the students with various false claims and insinuations. I know that academia is filled with teachers like this . But the claims that are being brought forth are false and a one sided opinion steeped in the hatred for this current administration and a certain race.The reason I bring that up is my tolerance meter has hit red line and to be honest with you I cant sit back and take this kind of teaching the left is spewing out. I have stood up to the school and addressed this issues along with many other false claims this person has made. I am done being tolerant. But unlike the left I will fight this without violence, shouting and name calling. I will fight it with the the truth. I like many others have sat back for to long but not anymore.

#21 Comment By gman On October 3, 2018 @ 3:48 pm

“The left sure isnt tolerant of my beliefs, morals and ethics. They hate them”

you completely fail to comprehend the situation. they don’t hate your beliefs, morals, and ethics. they hate you. because you are not them. that’s it. that’s all there is to it. all the talk about “racism” and “sexism” and “privilege” et al is just distracting decoys.

#22 Comment By Granny On October 3, 2018 @ 6:45 pm

And why do they hate her? Because of her beliefs, morals, and ethics. A moral and ethical person is a stark contrast to the statist with situational ethics. The darkness hates the light shined on it.

#23 Comment By Dave On October 3, 2018 @ 4:51 pm

For good solid advice on handling lead, talk to the owner of a radiator repair shop… lots of solder used on older brass radiators…

#24 Comment By Capt Nemo On October 5, 2018 @ 2:30 am

Our problem is that we have been too tolerant of things that can destroy our country. I know the Lord tells us to turn the other cheek, but that has limits. If an opponent has struck you once, it may only be a mistake. If he’s willing to do it again, you can pretty much figure that he’s an enemy, and needs to be taken out.

However, I think the recent confirmation mess has just dumped a semi load of red dye into the pale blue ripple!