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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL [1]”. Today, let’s put the South African murders in perspective.

A is for Antifa

Going right along with JWR’s definitions outlined in Terms of Temerity: Why The Left Loathes The Words We Use [2] is this new series on The Leftese Dictionary by Andrew Klaven of The Daily Wire. Only the first letter of the alphabe [3]t is posted on YouTube right now, but they promise to post one new letter every two weeks over the next year or so till they have all the alphabet. I can’t imagine that this will stay up long with all the progressive/left snowflakes that seem to roam the halls of YouTube these days, so view it while you can and enjoy.

More on Tommy Robinson

Alex Barron (The Bard of the American Redoubt) has posted some pointed video commentary [4] on Tommy Robinson’s incarceration and the larger issue of radical Islam. For those that are still unfamiliar, Tommy Robinson was protesting at a trial of an Islamic street gang that was on trial for sex trafficking. The protest was over how easy the government is going on these criminals with full knowledge of their deeds over the fear of being called racist. Tommy was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to 13 months of hard time in the same prison with Islamic bullies who have sworn to kill him. It is effectively a kangaroo court with a death sentence.

South African Murders in Perspective

As the racist violence continues to escalate in South Africa the lame-street media continues to ignore the problem. The west has basically declared it a non-issue with accusations questioning the seriousness of the underlying problem. Reader BinB sent in this article that does a little math [5] to compare the murder rate and comes up with some astounding numbers. If the same violent problem existed in America, the number would be 100,000 last year alone. This is a significant murder rate and a true survival nightmare. Shame on the media for burying it.


When Roseanne returned to the airwaves as a Pro-Trump TV character, the average American conservative cheered. We warned then that you shouldn’t hitch your ride to “crazy” and Roseanne certainly fits that bill. Now Roseanne has done what she is known for and issued a crazy, racist and inappropriate statement about Valerie Jarrett and she’s lost her #1 rated comedy show [6]. Those who supported her have gone down in flames with her. When will we ever learn. Apparently, Trump invited Kim Kardashian [7] this week to the White House to discuss prison reform. Really? How about we keep entertainment separate from politics. Thanks to S.M. for the information.

Summer in Chicago

Here in America, we also have areas with ridiculously high murder rates, but they tend to be more urban. For instance, in the first hot weekend of Chicago, the “crazy” came out in the population and there was a wave of looting, mugging, and violence [8] along with innocent people being attacked. This article, sent in my reader D.S., profiles just a small portion of the crimes committed by the urban youth that are intent on destroying their own city. It would appear that the cops have resorted to just escorting the offenders out of the downtown area and have requested help from the fire department in patrolling the streets. The only incorrigible miscreants missing from the free-for-all were the lame-street media.

Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

Reader G.P. sent in this article showing that the official death toll of Hurricane Maria when it hit Puerto Rico is a far cry from correct [9]. The official number stands at 64, but when you consider the death directly attributable to the failed infrastructure and destruction caused by the hurricane, the number rapidly rises to over 4,600 people. Thats off by a factor of more than 70. Part of the problem lies in the response of the federal government, but the majority of the problem lies squarely on the the local governments that continue to fumble.

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Please send your news tips to HJL. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact [10] form.) These are often especially relevant, because they come from folks who watch news that is important to them. Due to their diligence and focus, we benefit from fresh “on target” news. We often “get the scoop” on news that is most likely ignored (or reported late) by mainstream American news outlets. Thanks!

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#1 Comment By Andre On May 31, 2018 @ 11:58 am

The arrest of Tommy Robinson under false pretences, simply to silence him, is a real wake up call as to why the US first… and second amendments are – even today – still very much needed.

History shows that in the big scheme of things the occasional (sometimes dramatic) misuse of guns by very few citizens amounts to nothing compared to what could happen to a defenceless completely disarmed citizenry.

#2 Comment By Old Gray Wolf On May 31, 2018 @ 12:45 pm

Tommy Robinson is finding out what happens when you keep trying peaceful protest when the time has passed to transition to either submission or kinetic protest. Misreading the weather can kill, especially when it is a tyrannical government one is facing. Pray God the USA has more Swamp Foxes and Ethan Allens than Tommy Robinsons or whoever that poor fellow in Tianemen Square was.

#3 Comment By CORD7 On May 31, 2018 @ 12:46 pm

In complete agreement Andre!
Furthermore… if you’re naive enough to believe what is happening on the other side of the pond isn’t coming here ~ please vote for me (Franklin R. Wilson) for president.
“Peaceful diplomacy against evil until we cannot hide our over-spending”

#4 Comment By Anonymous On May 31, 2018 @ 1:44 pm

I believe that the fatality problem in Puerto Rico is largely the fault of ALL of their adult citizens. We are not animals that have to be protected. It is OUR job to prepare for Bad events. It’s like Preppers who are now preparing for TEOTWAWKI! We know what challenges we may have to face and we are preparing for it. The people of Puerto Rico know that Hurricanes happen and THEY should prepare for it! Those who perished probably did nothing to prepare and counted on the government to provide everything they needed. And, THAT NEVER WORKS! We are adults; let’s act like it! Even squirrels have enough sense to prepare for winter during the summer!

#5 Comment By Rose On May 31, 2018 @ 5:18 pm

Definitely agree. I think preparing for bad times is part of being a grown up. It isn’t that people can’t help other people, but people are not obligated to help other people. It’s basic to the laws of government (John Locke) that each person owns the labor he does, and the products he produces with that labor. So we are each responsible for our own stuff, and protecting it, from other people, or from hurricanes or rain or snow, etc. Part of being grown up is learning to be efficient and wise in protecting the labor of our hands. In a perfect world, where people didn’t steal other people’s stuff (taxation), it’s how you get rich.

#6 Comment By Deplorable Silver Stacker On May 31, 2018 @ 3:06 pm

What Rosanne Barr tweeted was NOT racial.
Subjects she tweeted:
Valarie Jarrett
Planet of the Apes
Muslim Brotherhood

Find the “race”……I’ll wait………………………………………………………………

The Regressives will always find something, ANYTHING, to be upset and offended about, even down to the air you breath and the socks you wear. Always be prepared to push back against their “offendedness”, and never, EVER, NEVER APOLOGIZE. Even if your apology is sincere, the Regressives will never forgive you. The Regressives don’t want you apology, or contriteness. They want your DEATH. If not physical (so far), they will settle for doxxing you, harassment to you and your family, loss of job and income, loss of standing in your community.

#7 Comment By Hugh James Latimer On May 31, 2018 @ 4:14 pm

So it’s OK to compare or call another person an ape? No, Rosanne’s tweet was racist and totally inappropriate no matter what you think of Jarrett. Rosanne has always been known for going off the deep end, whether it’s insults at other people or wild conspiracy theories or a myriad of other “crazy”. Anyone who hitches their ride to her will be going down in flames. People just have short memories about celebrity. We really need to get over idolizing celebrities and pretending that just because they are good actors in a movie that they know everything. By her own words, Rosanne was never a Trump supporter. She just knew if Trump was politically taken down that Pence would be sworn in and she is vehemently against everything that Pence stands for.

#8 Comment By anonymous On June 1, 2018 @ 12:57 am

“The heroes of declining nations are always the same — the athlete, the singer or the actor. The word ‘celebrity’ today is used to designate a comedian or a football player, not a statesman, a general, or a literary genius.” (Glubb, 1976, p. 14)

Glubb J. (1976), The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival, William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh. Retrieved May 31, 2018 from [11]

#9 Comment By Jim On June 1, 2018 @ 11:58 am

I tend to agree with this ANP article –

Roseanne Canceled Over Fake Outrage Highlighting ABC/Disney Hypocrisy And Media Lies About ‘Racist Tweet’


#10 Comment By Hugh James Latimer On June 1, 2018 @ 12:23 pm

So lets split this into two parts here:
1) In this day and age in which all the information you could possibly want can be found at your fingertips in a matter of seconds on the Internet, you think it’s OK to insult someones heritage? It doesn’t matter whether Jarrett was white, red, brown, black or purple. Do you honestly think that it’s OK to go after someone’s heritage – something that they have absolutely no control over whatsoever? You do know that that is what racism is, right?
Personally, I think Jarrett is a reprehensible and evil person, but it’s because of her actions and policies, not her heritage. What difference does it make who her parents were or what nationality you think they were. That’s something that she has no control over. Insulting a person’s heritage is the core of what racism is whether you know it as a fact or are just gossiping.
2) The core of the article that you reference is childish. It’s basically saying “They do it and don’t get in trouble so it’s fair for us to do it as well.” That’s grade school behavior and something that we should be teaching our children against.

Ignorance of the facts is no excuse for racism or bad behavior.

#11 Comment By RayK On May 31, 2018 @ 4:34 pm

The problem is that Roseanne linked a black woman with a Planet of the Apes reference. Blacks have long been compared to apes in appearance as an insult. Oprah, in her early years, was interviewing Frank Purdue (of Purdue Chickens) when she commented that he even looked like a chicken (which was true). He replied that she looked like a gorilla. She got up and stormed out of the studio.

Roseanne was/is unstable in keeping her opinions to herself and her mouth shut. She’s nitroglycerine and anyone around her can be caught in the explosion. Those 300 folks on her program were unintended consequences, but consequences nonetheless.

OGW was spot on about Tommy Robinson. I’ve copied and pasted his comments to my email list. I hope I’m not out of line for that.

#12 Comment By Mike, P.E. On May 31, 2018 @ 6:07 pm

We should separate Ms. Barr’s intention, which may or may not have been racist, from the fact that the statement alone is not racist. Barr’s tweet may have been in poor taste, but it didn’t refer to apes, it referred to made up characters of a made up species, and Valarie Jarrett arguable does look like Zira, who was in fact portrayed by a white woman (Kim Hunter). To just blanketly call any insult to a minority racist, is dangerous, regardless of whether the statement is immoral. If you try hard enough, almost anything be determined to be racist.

#13 Comment By Victoria A Martin On May 31, 2018 @ 7:42 pm

Valarie Jarrett is not Black, she’s an Iranian.

#14 Comment By Hugh James Latimer On May 31, 2018 @ 8:02 pm

No. Valarie Jarrett’s parents are both of black heritage. (James and Barbara Bowman) They were American’s who were living in Iran. While born in Iran, because both of her parents were American, she has American citizenship. Her heritage is most definitely black American though. You have to remember that she was born long before the current oppressive regime in Iran. Iran was once a pretty modern country very similar to America. The extremists took power during Jimmy Carter’s presidency. (Remember the Iranian hostage crises?)

#15 Comment By Grey Woman On June 1, 2018 @ 3:20 pm

“To understand the context of Barr’s tweet, it is important to know that likening Black people to apes has a long, murky past. The idea that Black people were less evolved than White people, and therefore genetically closer to apes than Whites, was historically used to hide the justification of slavery and unequal rights in a cloak of science. Such “scientific racism” spread the false idea that Blacks are inherently inferior to Whites. As a result, the portrayal of Black people as apelike became an iconic representation in the 19th and early 20th century…

So when someone makes an analogy today, they are not just comparing an individual to an animal the way you would compare a woman with a long neck to a giraffe or a boy with large ears to an elephant. Comments comparing Blacks to apes cuts much, much deeper because they tap into a long, violent legacy of dehumanization and exploitation.

This is why Roseanne Barr’s tweet is not just a joke made in poor taste. And neither are the other recent examples comparing Michelle Obama to “an ape in heels” or photoshopping a banana into a Barack Obama photo. These are insidious and harmful comments that reflect a deep history of socialized racism. But they are also more than that. Not only do they reflect racism, they perpetuate it.”

#16 Comment By Frank C On May 31, 2018 @ 4:09 pm

England’s stance on freedom of speech is reminiscent of Hitler and Stalin’s. Say nothing which displeases the government. Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings . This is sad.

The governments position is that any comments about a trial could influence a jury. Funny how we cure that problem with jury instructions . Brits can’t figure that out , or just don’t trust the people

Thank God for the first and second amendments.

#17 Comment By OneGuy On May 31, 2018 @ 4:15 pm

Is Roseanne racist? I doubt it. She was/is careless in not observing the minefield of PC speak. You can say anything, racist, bullying, untrue, ugly, about white males but the list of acceptable comments about people of color and women changes daily and can be post judged based on new concepts of what is appropriate. As a joke, what she said is really no big deal. Just look at the many side by side comparisons of JV and one of the stars of that movie and the resemblence is so stark you would guess it was on purpose. Is it “racist” to notice this??? It was stupid to tweet it, but in many cases how would you know? I have been to local comedy shows with black comedians where it was so foul I had to leave. Once I was even called out by the comedian for getting up and leaving during the show. Had that comedian been white saying exactly the same things he would have long since been drawn and quartered by the MSM. IMHO the label “racist’ should be reserved for actual racist and not thrown around everytime someone steps on a cultural or language trap/

#18 Comment By Old Gray Wolf On May 31, 2018 @ 4:36 pm

Another thing I will point out that will be unpopular but truth nonetheless. It ain’t white folks doing the killing in either SA or Chitown. Or orientals. Or latinos. Or native Americans….

#19 Comment By Steve On May 31, 2018 @ 4:57 pm

I, for one, am glad the President is reaching out to Kanye West and Kim K. While neither Kanye or Kim are high on my list of celebrities (not that I have such a list), if President Trump can establish inroads into the nearly monolithic black voting bloc by high profile meetings with them, and the subsequent twitter storms, then great. It is likely that such meetings will reach more Democratic voters than meetings with black conservatives like Tom Sowell, Allen West, Ben Carson, etc.

#20 Comment By Simon Maguire On May 31, 2018 @ 6:19 pm

Odd when she tweeting the name and address of the parents of George Zimmerman,(which cause them to have to flee their house in the middle of the night and never be able to return) and “At first I thought it was good to let people know that no one can hide anymore … If Zimmerman isn’t arrested I’ll write his address again- maybe go to his house myself.” They were more than happy with her. So try to get people killed and they are fine with it as it was not one of theirs, but tell a bad joke about one of theirs and it’s hang her.
When she performed the national anthem so awfully (on purpose) that then-President George H.W. Bush called her performance “disgraceful” it’s all about freedom of speech The same with saying Israel was a “Nazi state,” and, “The Jewish Soul is being tortured in Israel”. But now it’s she’s gone too far.
It almost make you think that there is a double stranded, I say almost as they have no stranded at all.

#21 Comment By L Tecolote On June 1, 2018 @ 12:15 am

Re: Roseanne

Could whole “Conservative”-Tweeting-Racist-Slander” short series be a moderately high budget political op, cooked up to snare the unthinking, and slime Trump? There’s a world of political difference between “Roseanne,” the “conservative” TV character, and Ms. Barr, the actress, and political activist. Given that she is in fact, a dyed-in-the-wool Leftist, and the entire Disney production team and management are Hard Left, was she just “taking a bullet” for “the team?” She’s not poverty-stricken, at any rate, and she’s probably tired of having to pretend to be what she’s not, anyway.

I can’t prove that this whole 6-week episode of the “resurrected” Roseanne Show is/was a total psyop from the outset, but it sure smells like one The Left likes to accuse all political opposition as racists, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, NOT because it is true, but because it is politically effective. It wouldn’t be effective if it were true, and it’s about the only politically potent smear they have left.

#22 Comment By Anonymous On June 1, 2018 @ 2:38 am

I believe this has great merit. Likely the truth. The NSA knows….will they share?

#23 Comment By 37geese On June 1, 2018 @ 4:26 am

Agreed. When her show was taking off for the 2nd run, and there was all this talk of her being a Trump supporter, I couldn’t help but wonder if something like this was going to happen.

Roseanne Barr always seemed to be leftist in her politics prior to Trump. It does seem as if she built up a quick following of Trump supporting conservatives after her “conversion” and then did what any leftist would expect a Trump supporter to do: make racist comments. Then the timing of the cancellation, the well practiced (or planned) outrage, and the media barrage of blaming Trump for racism seems very convenient.

If this was intentional, then I must say leftists are getting pretty good at straw-manning conservatives.

#24 Comment By JBH On June 1, 2018 @ 3:19 am

Re: Roseanne

The powers that be were looking for any reason to kick the show off the air IMO. It was addressing real issues that are affecting real working class Americans. The last episode I viewed brought up the effect illegal immigrants are having on American construction workers. Stuff like that puts you in the cross hairs.

That said Roseanne Barr should have been smart enough to know she was on thin ice and let the show do the talking rather than Twitter. Although her comments were tame in comparison to numerous comments of still employed liberals, they were not necessary or useful and in the end gave an excuse to silence one of the few shows on TV that even remotely presented the plight of working America in a globalised New World Order.

Like it or not media shapes thought. This was a lost opportunity to at least shape a little thought away from the entire liberal narrative.

#25 Comment By Goat Rancher Ron On June 1, 2018 @ 12:38 pm

Quote: Tommy Robinson was protesting at a trial of an Islamic street gang that was on trial for sex trafficking.”

But I believe the story is that Tommy was not protesting, but reporting.