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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper.  Today, JWR is filling in for HJL who is abed with the flu. The emphasis today is on The Black Rifle Buyer’s Market.

The Black Rifle Buyer’s Market

Ever since President DJT was elected, the U.S. gun market has been in the doldrums. That is just human nature.  We had eight years of a BHO-inspired gun-buying frenzy and then justifiable worries about Hitlery Clinton getting elected. But then everyone just breathed a huge collective sigh of relief, last November.  The market has been very slow ever since, especially for so-called Black Rifles. (Semi-auto rifles with anything other than wood stocks.) Yesterday, I saw some evidence that the Buyer’s Market has now hit a low ebb point:  Gun wholsaler/retailer CDNN just put Colt Expanse 5.56mm M4geries on sale for just $599 [1]. Concurrently, they are offering free shipping on all semi-auto rifles. Wow.

My advice: Take advantage of this low ebb. Buy low. Stack them deep. In a few years you can  sell off few of those guns at the top of teh market, whenever the inevitable Crise De Jour hits the headlines.

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North American History Stood On Its Head

New Evidence Suggests Stone Age Hunters From Europe Discovered America. [2] (A hat tip to H.L., for the link.)

Full Cream Powdered Milk

Reader John E. sent this great tip: “I spent last fall high in the Himalayas. When it came to coffee, all that was available there was freeze dried powdered coffee. But they did have full cream/full fat powdered milk, which really made it great. I brought a 900gram box back home with me from Kathmandu. But I discovered you can get it reasonably priced on eBay here in the US. There is a US-produced brand called Hoosier Hill Farm [3] for about $17 shipped for 2 lbs. The Peak brand in a can from Holland is also good. If you buy the 8 lb bag from Hoosier Hill Farm it’s only $44 so at about $5 per lb it compares well with the cost of common nonfat variety. It makes all the difference in coffee, tea, cereal, etc. Previously all I could find was non fat dry milk–which is like white colored water. Yes, the nonfat has amazing shelf life compared to the just two-year life of full cream powdered milk. It’s not much weight to carry a small plastic bottle on a camping or hiking trip, but well worth the reward in terms of comfort for weight and satisfaction.”

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New York’s Laws — A Wacky World Unto Itself

Reader T.P spotted this at GunsAmerica: NY Lawmakers Push ERPO Bill to Make Confiscation Easier [4]. Here is a brief quote: “Known as S7133/A8976 [5], the bill would establish a system where family members and law enforcement can petition a state court to issue an Extreme Risk Protection Orders or ERPO against an individual. If the ERPO is approved by the court, the individual will be prohibited from purchasing and possessing firearms. That individual will also be forced to surrender any firearms to authorities.”

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And speaking of New York, reader H.L. spotted this at The Daily Sheeple: ‘Get Out of Jail Free Cards’ Are Real — and Cops Have Been Giving Them Away [6]

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Meanwhile, In California: Banning Free Soda Straws

Reader M.M.E. sent this from Reason: California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws [7]

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Big Brother

Finally, there is this from The Liberty Beacon: Congress Quietly Pushing Bill to Require National Biometric ID for ‘ALL Americans’ [8].  (Thanks to Duane S. for the link.)  Here is a snippet: “H.R. 4760 establishes a mandatory National Identification system that requires all Americans to carry a government-approved ID containing ‘biometric features.’ Without this card, according to the legislation, you will not be able to work in this country.

The legislation was drafted under the auspices of providing a legislative solution for the current beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

However, as Ron Paul points out, ‘this bill would give DACA recipients a three-year renewable legal status while forcing a biometric National ID card on virtually everyone else.'”
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Please send your news tips to HJL. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact [9] form.) These are often especially relevant, because they come from folks who watch news that is important to them. Due to their diligence and focus, we benefit from fresh “on target” news. We often “get the scoop” on news that is most likely ignored (or reported late) by mainstream American news outlets. Thanks!

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#1 Comment By Peter S On January 27, 2018 @ 1:07 pm

The Bill H.R. 4760 and text is here.

#2 Comment By Anonymous On January 27, 2018 @ 1:13 pm


“(A) NO NATIONAL IDENTIFICATION CARD.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize, directly or indirectly, the issuance or use of national identification cards or the establishment of a national identification card.

#3 Comment By cpa prepper On January 27, 2018 @ 1:44 pm

Nestle Nido make a powdered whole milk. Look on the hispanic aisle at your walmart. I honestly cannot tell the difference between Nido and fresh, whole milk.

#4 Comment By cpa prepper On January 27, 2018 @ 1:47 pm

That’s the Nido Fortificada product. They have other products, but Fortificada is whole milk.

#5 Comment By ski and hike On January 27, 2018 @ 5:47 pm

I use Nido for my backpacking trips and it is delicious.

#6 Comment By Robert, NC On January 27, 2018 @ 2:26 pm

North American History: on a side note, about 5-10 years ago there were genetic samples taken from east coast Native Americans. The results showed that there were European unique genetic markers in that population group, and they had been there for thousands of years. The study was mocked, as most studies that are perceived to conflict with the current PC mantras.

The theory proposed by the scientists was that Europeans crossed an ice bridge, and populated the east coast. Later “Native Americans” left the land bridge, moved into North America and “displaced/killed/integrated” them.

#7 Comment By Jason On January 27, 2018 @ 2:35 pm

One can find quality black rifles from respected manufacturers like S&W, DPMS, and Palmetto State Armory any number of places you care to look at sub $500 prices. Picked myself up 2 more as a Christmas present to myself. Stack them deep, the time will come when they will be endangered again, sure as the sun rises in the East, you’ll wish you’d bought more…

#8 Comment By rob moffett On January 27, 2018 @ 3:04 pm

In 1995, the bipartisan Congressional Commission on Immigration led by Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan concluded immigration hurt working Americans and called for less legal immigration and an end to illegal immigration. They came up with a dozen common-sense solutions, all of which were applauded by President Clinton, yet none were ever implemented and in the place of the Commissions recommendations, we have gotten endless amnesties of illegals and a tidal wave of immigrant invasion.
The top recommendation of the commission was a national ID card which would be used only twice in a citizens life when they were applying for a job or government benefits. The national ID card was attacked by both the left and right. Some did not want to end illegal immigration which would have happened with the implementation of the card, and others were claiming the card to be Orwellian and an end to personal liberty. Of course, since 1995 we have seen how the shadow government has massive data on all citizens and our activities from phone calls to our shopping habits and social media content. the idea that a national ID card would be a step toward Big Brother is simply sad in light of all the real liberties we have lost in the last 30 years. In exchange for not having a card that would have stopped the immigrant invasion of our country and transforming it permanently we now live in a big brother state that is rapidly becoming a nightmare and are seeing our country transformed into a globalist dream of a balkanized country made up of atomized individuals and corporate resource units. of course, at least we don’t have an ID card, that would be terrible.

#9 Comment By Brooksy On January 27, 2018 @ 3:40 pm

I have seen M4’s at gunshows for $469. I think I have all the black rifles I want….

“Biometric ID or no work” Too bad, I’m self employed, the Gov. can pack sand.

#10 Comment By Jerry T On January 27, 2018 @ 4:02 pm

Palmetto has kits for $299, just pick up a lower for $50 and you are in for $350 ish. I have a couple and they work very well.

#11 Comment By JBH On January 27, 2018 @ 4:42 pm

My brain connects all kinds of unrelated things into probably just a bunch of unrelated nonsense but two subjects discussed above struck me as interesting and related.

The first was the “European Indian” subject. I think that alternative histories of North America are fascinating and that the standard histories are very incomplete. I think the evidence is showing that nearly every culture/society of consequence came to the Americas at one point or another. Most did not stay in any numbers but some did.

And I what I find particularly fascinating is the motivation it has taken and the endurance it has taken for so many of the people who have come here. What people can do is amazing. All the way from prehistoric Asians and Europeans to people who checked in at Ellis Island. Some running away from persecution or their own criminal past or famine or war or whatever. And some running toward adventure or freedom or wealth or crime or whatever. I find the thought of all these millions of individual stories fascinating.

Now the related thought. The immigration debate. I am totally opposed to illegal immigration. I want the wall. I want chain migration stopped. Not sure what to do about DACA but I do not think I like a path to full citizenship for those who have no criminal record and I favor deportation for those who do. I think illegal immigration and unrestricted legal immigration is a threat to our society.

But on the other hand for tens of thousands of years, the trend has been for people to come to the Americas. It is like the tide. You cannot stop it.

So how to protect our culture, which I firmly believe is the best the world has seen so far? At the risk of being crude, I believe the answer is in the bed room. Western people are not reproducing at near the rate of others, except perhaps the Japanese who are also having issues. Over the course of my life and even before there has been a drum beat in the West telling people to not have children. Many of our decent jobs require very long educational periods discouraging reproduction. The social attacks on marriage and the acceptance of sexual gratification outside of marriage discourage reproduction.

If people with Western values do not reproduce in sufficient numbers (and fail to pass on those values to new comers, another subject) we will be displaced. Because the history of the Americas, and every other place on this planet, shows that vigorous people, as a whole, cannot be stopped.

#12 Comment By Ladywest On January 27, 2018 @ 5:52 pm

What I’d like to see more than anything is to not allow automatic citizenship to children of illegal aliens.

I’m not sure a national ID would help except to make it easier for the government to combine information into one database instead of many. Look, I’m 72 and I’m sure that anyone with have a brain and easy with computers can find out anything they want about me.

And don’t we already have something similar? I have a CA license with my fingerprint and if I move to Arizona in a couple of years to live cheaper I’ll have to get something similar.

At least the gun laws won’t be draconian.

#13 Comment By M-ray On January 28, 2018 @ 3:54 am

As far as drivers license fingerprints is concerned I get a kick out of a friend of mine who refuses to give his fingerprints to big brother yet gets a license every four years anyway. Before going to the DMV he cotes his thumb and fingerprints with Elmer’s glue and lets it dry, creating a dried film that will not let his actual fingerprints be shown on their electronic scan. The DMV employee will always tell him to remove his fingers and then put them back on the screen again but always with the same results, blurred and unreadable prints. One examiner cleaned the screen with a spray-on cleaner while my friend was holding back a smile. Several times he’s had to tell them that he lost his fingerprints in a tragic welding accident. He is of the opinion that a person shouldn’t have to give the government his fingerprints in order to drive his car down the road. I too agree.

#14 Comment By ski and hike On January 27, 2018 @ 5:53 pm

Regarding the biometric card, I don’t think this will ever happen. Liberals fight against any voter ID law yet the poor who apparently can’t afford $5 for an ID card to use to vote have no problem getting a SNAP card. And illegals are allowed to work without ID (California wants to make it illegal for an employer to even ask about immigration status). Based on that, I don’t think it will happen.

#15 Comment By Chris in Arkansas On January 28, 2018 @ 4:43 am

Black rifles on the used market have dropped as well. If you live in a state that allows you to engage in private seller/buyer activity with no government paperwork required this is a perfect opportunity to buy an extra rifle or two off the books with no paper trail. Ammo also seems to be dropping in price although much slower than the firearms (shipping fees for hazardous materials are climbing and maybe that has something to do with it) . Parts kits are in stock as well along with magazines. It’s a buyers market – take advantage of it.