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JWR’s Recommendations of the Week

Here are JWR’s Recommendations of the Week for various media and tools of interest to SurvivalBlog readers. This week the focus is on Kestrel Elite weather gauges. (See the Instructional Videos section.)


The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly Series [1].  (I recommend this entire book series.)

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Leonardo da Vinci [2], a newly-released biography by Walter Isaacson

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A World Ablaze: The Rise of Martin Luther and the Birth of the Reformation [3]


Movies and Television:

Random Quest [4]. A clever film about a scientist who visits a parallel universe. Available on DVD or for free download for Amazon Prime members.

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The Lost City of Z [5].  Available for free download for Amazon Prime members.


Instructional Videos (Kestrel Elite):

Wranglerstar recently posted a great video on using a Kestrel Elite weather gauge with a built-in ballistics calculator [6]. He shows how it revolutionizes accurate long range shooting: The Thing You Should Fear The Most. [7]  This is a similar set-up to how I have my KDG Optics Hub [8] configured. In it, I have a Leupold Mark 4 spotting scope [9] mounted co-axial with a Bushnell CONX 1-mile laser rangefinder [10].  The rangefinder (mounted on top) is linked to my Kestrel weather station. I will post a feature-length article on my experiences putting that system together, sometime later this year.

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Dangers of Traveling an Living in a Van [11]. It is noteworthy that they mention the importance of bookmarking (and using) Maps.me [11].

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How to build a computer in 30 minutes with EasyPCbuilder [12]

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Building your own 24’X24′ garage and save money. Steps from concrete to framing.


Rivers West Waterproof Fleece Clothing [13].  This is amazing fabric! Once you try these clothes, you’ll be amazed that you ever went out in the field without them.

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Thule Vectros MacBook Pro Bumper Case [14] (also available for may other brands/models of laptops)

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Marine 7×50 Waterproof Floating Binocular with Internal Rangefinder & Compass, Woodland Camo [15]


Make a Suggestion

Want to suggest Recommendations of your own? Then please send them to JWR [16]. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact [17] form.) Thanks!

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#1 Comment By Rick in Ohio On October 26, 2017 @ 12:51 pm

The Lost City of Z is also available for streaming from participating libraries via Hoopla.
