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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. North Korea is making headlines again as the beat of the war drum gets louder.

Second Amendment

Australia has no such protection of their right to keep and bear arms. As a result, after the 1996 mass shooting in Port Arthur, they basically removed all firearms rights. However, the authorities still estimate that there are approximately 300,000 firearms still on the streets [1]. While suicides and murders by firearm have indeed gone down, violent crimes have actually increased. Now the population has no way to protect themselves. The UK’s response to self-defense is a public service announcement called “Run, Hide, and Tell”. Many armed Americans prefer the mantra “Stand, Fight, and Quell” though. Thanks to H.L. for the link.

War on Cash

Reader Organic Mama sent in this link showing where bake sales have now been banned in government facilities [2]. Instead, people are expected to donate through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) which has an annual solicitation for charitable donations. This has several implications beyond just removing the handling of cash over donations though. Only approved charities can get on that list, which usually means lots of paperwork. There will be no more donations to “little Johnny’s camp fund” even if you wanted to. Second, all donations are now tracked. They know which charities you gave to and which ones you didn’t.

The World’s Biggest Lie.

The number one selling electronic device continues to be the electronic “personal assistant”. After purchasing the device (or app for your smart phone), you always get that checkbox with the statement: “I have read and understood the terms of service.” We all see that as an annoyance and usually click it just to get past it. However, if you’ve ever actually attempted to read one of these documents, you usually find a 50 page document written in some obscure form of legalese that is practically incomprehensible. But buried in that document is your approval to let the company do what they want to with your data. Now privacy advocates are raising the alarm that these devices collect data and can actually present a national security threat [3]. Thanks to DSV for the link.

North Korea

Reader T.J. reminds us that many properties built in the ’60s and ’70s come with the cold war relics of bombshelters [4]. Built in an age when all-out nuclear war with Russia was a grave concern, they have been forgotten since the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, with nuclear tensions rising again, but this time with rogue nations, the owners thoughts are turning to these little jewels. If you have one, it may be time to take stock and prepare it for use.

o o o

The potential for war on the Korean peninsula is escalating and the U.S. government has issued travel warnings [5] for North Korea. Travel to, from or through North Korea using U.S. passports will be restricted starting on 9/1/17. It should also be noted that as President Trump’s and Secretary of Defense Mattis’ rhetoric escalate in dealing with N.K., their approval ratings increase. I’m beginning to hear the drumbeat of war. Thanks to reader D.B. for the link.


Denmark’s second largest city believes they have a novel approach to terrorism. They have decided to meet violence with empathy and have embarked on a program dubbed “hug a terrorist [6]”. While Danes who have fought terrorists in Syria are threatened with jail upon their return, terrorists are being offered apartments, education, and jobs to encourage them to rejoin society. I’m now wondering if Danish politicians received their training from watching reruns of “Sesame Street”.

Mending Clothing

Reader J.C. reminds us of the lost skill of mending/darning old clothes. Agy Textile Artist [7] has a post on mending her husband’s old jeans to extend their life. This is a skill well worth learning as there may come a time when you can’t just run to the store and buy another pair of pants.

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#1 Comment By CD in Oklahoma On August 13, 2017 @ 12:19 pm

If jean styles continue as they are now, I think we may see a definite increase in people learning how to mend jeans. I mend jeans for the public (on a treadle sewing machine, no less) by darning or inserting modesty panels to fill holes. The designer jeans with the little worn-looking stringy holes in them when bought new may look cute initially, but after a few washings, those cute little holes become greatly enlarged and begin showing a lot more of the owner than some want to show.

CD in Oklahoma

#2 Comment By sierra skier On August 13, 2017 @ 1:23 pm

The potential for war with NK has increased the ratings for the President, well of course. It is the same ‘fake news’ that presents these polls and it is likely that they publish the ratings they want us to see whether they are true or not.

#3 Comment By ender On August 13, 2017 @ 2:10 pm

Hug a terrorist then go boom together.

They have terrorists that are living in Denmark, who fly to Syria to join ISIS then return to the good life in Denmark. They know they are enemy combatants and just want to wish the threat away with hugs. I have said many times that liberalism is a mental disorder and it seems to be getting worse.

#4 Comment By RC21 On August 13, 2017 @ 2:52 pm

Concerning the war on cash. No doubt restricting Combined Federal Campaign donations to cash provides the government with a ready list of your donations. Additionally, the management/chain of command pressure to have everyone donate something still exists. That said, it’s always been worth the dollar a month minimum donation to a benign but well managed charity to both get them off you back, and more importantly, stay under the radar and practice good OPSEC by ensuring any political donations are cash. BTW, there are still bake sales, just not for CFC.

#5 Comment By VT On August 13, 2017 @ 6:30 pm

North Korea is being used as the new boogeyman to scare the dimwitted and only exists as a threat because we threaten them. One miscalculation has Seoul a smoking crater and 1.25 million NKA rolling south with nothing to stop them(does anyone think China and Russia would allow us to use nukes on their borders without retaliation). We would of watched a East German style collapse and reunification of the peninsula in 2003-2004 if Pres Shrub hadn’t done the stupid Axis of Evil speech.

#6 Comment By Not So Free On August 13, 2017 @ 10:03 pm

I think much of the talk about NK, Russia, et. al. are mostly to keep the sheeple from realizing that we are due for a major financial crisis which will send this country into an armageddon-type collapse.

#7 Comment By Dan On August 13, 2017 @ 10:14 pm

A relative and Mate of mine lives in the Northern Territory in Australia. Firearms are allowed there, but they are very restrictive. They also change from State to State there. Basically, no civilian may own a pistol of any type. All rifles and shotguns are either bolt or lever action. There are also restrictions on how many rounds they can hold. Import, selling to another person, storage, and more, are all strictly controlled. There are more guns up North than most realize, and the black market is alive and well.

#8 Comment By jason On August 13, 2017 @ 10:49 pm

In Reply to the state of Australian firearms laws, the public are allowed to own pistols but you do have to be a member of a certified pistol club, i personally own handguns the only restrictions are on magazine capacity, barrel length and some minor restrictions around caliber generally up to .38 is standard over that caliber is slightly more restricted but they can be owned, as for long arms the major restriction is around the semi autos, these are difficult to get unless you are a pest controller etc, i don’t think the law changes has made any difference, our largest mass murder was committed recently using a knife? a woman killed her 8 kids, there is a large number of illegal firearms used to commit gang related murder every weekend. almost no law abiding firearms are used in crime in Australia, a fact the anti gunners are quick to ignore…

#9 Comment By GM On August 13, 2017 @ 11:35 pm

Denmark’s second largest city believes they have a novel approach to terrorism. They have decided to meet violence with empathy and have embarked on a program dubbed “hug a terrorist”. While Danes who have fought terrorists in Syria are threatened with jail upon their return, terrorists are being offered apartments, education, and jobs to encourage them to rejoin society. I’m now wondering if Danish politicians received their training from watching reruns of “Sesame Street”.

I am deliberately making abstraction of this ridiculous propaganda phrase of “hug a terrorist. These people do not understand what is happening to their country and to themselves. The political elite and the wealthy, mistakenly thinks it is immune from everything so they don’t care about their population from which they feel no connection. Hug a terrorist? Ask that question to women in Sweden, now the rape capital of the world. (Ref. Sweden’s anti-immigration party now in first place. Why? [8]


Violent Muslim Riots in Denmark, Attack Police

Swedish talking

Are the Danes insane? Is their government insane? No. The government of these European countries in Scandinavia which includes Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland, has been bought. It is the same situation in Germany. What about France which has the highest number of migrants? Europe’s borders are a huge sifters from which migrants go through. Migrants enter Europe without papers, and passport. Then they have a sense of entitlement to everything. In reality, nobody owes the migrants anything. The big problem in Europe is these governments policy towards migrants and the huge number of them lending on the European continent.
Migrants are dissatisfied because Europe cannot include them. There are too many of them. There is no infrastructure that can possibly deal with the situation. This is only one aspect of the problem. Economically European countries cannot even provide for the needs of their own native population and they bring in migrants who are totally dependant on the government. If this keeps on going, the infrastructures will explode.
The governments of these countries have demonstrated that they are hostile to the interests of their country and country men.

This is what the refugee situation looks like in Europe
You Tube-WATCH! * The European Immigration CRISIS * (2015 – 2016).

You Tube-Europe: Who benefits from Muslim mass migration? Only the elite Left
Why countries like Saudi Arabia did not want to grant asylum to these migrants?

This is what is going on in Hungary. There the army is handling the migrant situation.
You Tube-Hungarian army stopped Refugees in Roszke and Horgosz Hungary/Orban Wall

This is how Russia is dealing with the migrant problem in the country. These migrants are being arrested.

Russia Dealing With Migrants

How russian deals with immigrants

When you watch these videos, the idea of Mr. Trump of building a wall might not be so fetched after all.

This is only a drop in the ocean. There is a lot more to say about this migrant topic of course.

#10 Comment By Roger D On August 14, 2017 @ 4:24 pm

GM, I hear you. And just wait until Venezuela really blows up. Guess who will be coming for dinner.

#11 Comment By Susan On August 14, 2017 @ 3:48 pm

re mending clothing. While anyone can figure out one way or another to stitch a functional patch onto jeans, mending a hole in the heel of socks is a different story. I found a youtube video that made the use of my inherited darning egg understandable. A light bulb would work (with caution of course).

#12 Comment By Bill On August 15, 2017 @ 4:23 am

Yes. Have done it many times. Take a worn out pair of jeans and cut next to the seams to liberate the back of the pant legs from which to make patches (back doesnt wear much). To patch the knees, turn the pants inside out and with a seam ripper, rip open the instead seam from several inches below crotch to several inches above bottom hem. Now you can iron the pant leg about the knee flat and sew a patch over the knees. Hint, take the patch well up the thigh if possible. Sew the inside seam back up. Done.