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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL [1]”. Wait till you hear about the new YouTube Censoring rules!

“Hand Out” Survival Kit

SensiblePrepper has a YouTube video [2] where he goes through a simple kit that you can put together to “hand out” to those who are with you on an outing, hike or camping trip. It contains simple to use items such as fire lighting kit, flashlight, knife, emergency poncho and simple first aid kit (boo boo kit), and a few other things. Those who are woefully unprepared for an emergency get a better chance if they are separated. Thanks to T.J. for the link.

MVT 1000 Yard Precision Rifle Range

Max has a new 1000 yard rifle range at his Romney, West Virginia training center. With the opening of this new range, they will be running the first Long Range Marksman Course (LRMC-1) [3] on September 3-4. MVT is a first rate school and this is an excellent opportunity.

Police Abuses

John Whitehead has an article [4] over on The Rutherford Institute has some commentary on the abusive actions of a few police officers/departments that are causing some serious issues in relationships with the citizenry at large. I get the fact that in many places (mostly in the inner cities) the citizenry are acting like animals, but its a downward spiral between the aggressive actions of citizens and police. Of particular interest is Whitehead’s list of recommended fixes. My favorite? “ditch the quasi-military obsession” and “demilitarize”. Remember…”officer of the peace”… not “law enforcement”. Thanks to H.L. for the link.


Can Germany Be Made Great Again? [5] A good question asked by antoniusaquinas. Muslim immigrants have overrun Germany and demographically destroyed it right before our eyes. Opposition to this societal destruction is demonized and harassed. The crux of the issue is the centralization of power. The EU is crushing Germany and Germany needs to return to its decentralized roots just like Bavaria is.


The mainstream media has been reporting that Facebook had to shut down their robots [6] after they invented their own language. The issue is actually a bit more complex than that and it must be understood that the whole point of the experiment was for two chat bots to negotiate with each other and adherence to the English language was not a parameter. The bots created their own language because it’s more efficient. When these same bots speak to humans where English is a requirement, most humans can’t tell they are bots. Perhaps it’s time for Asimov’s “Three laws of Robotics” to make an appearance on scene.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is just now commonplace in airports (especially international airports). Now we are hearing from the Department of Homeland Security that they fully intend to make bio-metric ID mandatory for international travel. Now we have the BBC reporting that facial recognition could replace train tickets [7] in the near future. Thanks to DSV for the link.

YouTube Censoring

Breitbart is reporting on the new YouTube rules [8]. Apparently YouTube will be censoring non-rulebreaking content that they deem “offensive”. Youtube will demonetize and tuck away the content, away from search engines. Viewers will have to know the specific address of the video. YouTube has also stated that they will be changing the search functions so that “sensitive” searches will no longer return the most popular videos. They will instead return videos “confronting and debunking violent extremist messages”. (Thanks to D.B. for the link.)

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#1 Comment By TexasScout On August 3, 2017 @ 10:47 am

You can still use external search engines on YT.

#2 Comment By Jr On August 3, 2017 @ 1:38 pm

Problem there is most people find info from browsing. They know what they’re doing. Little by litte they’re censoring us all. And by demonitizing a lot of folks won’t bother with good content as it is time consuming and hard work.

#3 Comment By Jason On August 3, 2017 @ 11:26 am

Well, with the SPLC smearing JWR, I assume I will now have to look outside of YouTube for audio interviews conducted with him. I’m sure his pro-Christian, anti-statist, conservative, pro self-sufficiency content will be labeled hate speech. Such is the world we now live in.

#4 Comment By Charles K. On August 3, 2017 @ 7:10 pm

Re: SkyNet

“Perhaps it’s time for Asimov’s “Three laws of Robotics” to make an appearance on scene.”

I suggest viewing the movie “I, Robot” with Will Smith. Seems to me there actually may be a problem with the “three laws” and the ultimate end game for robotics.

But I suppose the three laws would be a start and forcing the robots, AI’s to communicate in English only

#5 Comment By sr On August 4, 2017 @ 12:45 am

“diy camper” on youtube has been providing good commentary.