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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods – a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL [1]”. We’ll let Mike Williamson start it off today.

Mike Williamson

SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large sent in this somewhat humorous link about antifa opening a self-defense training gym [2] in Chicago. Well, it’s not really a gym because they couldn’t raise the funding, so they meet in a park. They’re not really teaching self defense because no one seems to know anything about it. They don’t like the masculine dominated gym culture, so they’re exercising in the park. The spokesman says they don’t want to get aggressive. Floral hats are optional too.

o o o

Mike also sent this Facebook video of a person driving down the street in Monfalcone, Italy [3]. This is in the heart of Europe, but you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone not in Islamic garb. Europe is almost lost.


SurvivalBlog reader DSV sent in an interesting article on how the government conditions citizens to obey [4]. Tax credits, welfare, subsidies and even mandates, all are used to modify the behavior of citizens and force a shaping of ways that are contrary to their nature. Of course, the best way to start the re-education is to start in childhood. Why is public school mandated in so many places with the very people who know best the needs of the child prevented (or at least greatly hindered) from educating them? Did you know that in Great Britain, almost 200,000 prescriptions for anti-depressants are handed out to children under the age of 18? The article states it best: “Coercion is arguably the leading cause of all mental health issues.”


Remember that Department of Homeland Security organization that has a budget of $7.6 billion (with a “b”), has never caught a terrorist or even foiled a terrorist plot, yet regularly molests air travelers, steals your stuff, and makes life very difficult for anyone in an airport? Well, now they are going to look through your reading material [5], but they promise not to notice what you’re reading.

Political Insanity

Oakland, Kalifornia has a new police commission that will provide oversite of the police force [6]. This commission has been voter approved, but what is extraordinary about it is the language specifically asking and encouraging “formerly incarcerated” individuals to apply for positions on this commission. To make sure it’s well rounded, the language of the measure specifically bars current and former Oakland cops from serving, as well as police union employees. Thanks to T.P. for the link.

Domestic Terrorism

Reader H.L. sent in this article on the FBI’s official statement on the Scalise shooting [7]. The shooter visited the park several times before the shooting, taking pictures of the area. The shooter had a nearby locker where he kept a supply of rounds for his weapons. He carried both a rifle and a pistol to the public park. He visited the Democratic leader’s offices and was a member of the “resistance” movement. Hodgkinson asked if the players were Republicans or Democrats right before opening fire upon them.

Then we find out that he had a list of six Republican names on him. Of course, the FBI is now saying that the shooting was “spontaneous” with “no motive” and “no target in mind”. All the while Loretta Lynch has called for “Blood in the Streets” and actors have beheaded Trump in effigy while calling for the rape of Melania Trump. I think I’m living in la-la land.

Response Time

A couple of years ago I saw an NRA ad about concealed carry where a small woman was answering the question of why she carried a pistol. “Because a police officer is too heavy” was the response. the ad showed the woman carrying a 180lb police officer on her back. It was humorous, but it made the point. Reader P.S. sent in this article that showed a 90 minute response time to a home invasion in Oregon [8]. Can you afford the 90 minutes of an attacker having total control over you and your household? While the article seems to think that the response time was excessively long, if you live in a rural area, you know that’s pretty much normal. Your safety and security is in your own hands.

Amish Survival Lessons

If a North Korean EMP were to strike the U.S. would the Amish even notice? H.L. also sent in this article on 5 lessons that we can learn from the Amish [9] about things our forefathers knew and were never passed on to us in our Urban environments. Can you identify plants or build a house with nothing but hand tools? Do you homeschool your kids? Maybe it’s time to relearn these skills.

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Comments Disabled To "The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:"

#1 Comment By Hugh Farnham On June 27, 2017 @ 11:58 am

The next time I go through the airport checkpoint I’ll have a hardback copy of “1984” hollowed out with a pocket Constitution hidden inside. Their reaction would make a priceless Youtube video!

#2 Comment By Hugh Farnham On June 27, 2017 @ 12:01 pm

We all had hopes General Kelly would have stopped this nonsense at DHS, but instead he is doubling down.

#3 Comment By Charles K. On June 28, 2017 @ 3:37 am

The key words hear are “General Kelly”. He seems to view We The People as We The Enemy, of the State, that is.

#4 Comment By Usexpat On June 27, 2017 @ 3:42 pm

While I’m at a loss figuring how a dangerous item can be concealed in a book and also from the x ray scanner, I seriously doubt any DHS employee cares what the 2,327th passenger he checked that week reads.
I’m guessing they’re looking for concealed money.

#5 Comment By Alan On June 27, 2017 @ 4:03 pm

Good video of the Muslims in Italy. The fact remains, they are winning the battle of the crib. Mohammed is the most popular baby name in Holland. They are also very devout.
Americans and the West don’t stand a chance.

#6 Comment By MAS On June 27, 2017 @ 4:07 pm

An antifa self defense training gym, really!? These tender mountain flowers couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper sack (might tear a nail or something). That’s why they have Soros’ summer camp trained thugs on hand at all their riots.

#7 Comment By Charles K. On June 28, 2017 @ 3:41 am

Speaking of enemies of the State. Soros, his son, and all associated with him and his “foundations”, should be rounded up and sent to Gitmo!

#8 Comment By MAS On June 28, 2017 @ 2:18 pm

Gitmo isn’t large enough for all the Islamic terrorists adding alpha leftists would certainly overwhelm it. Only a serious change in first contact strategy will cure the issue (with both).

#9 Comment By Steve On June 27, 2017 @ 8:04 pm

I’m not disputing the Monfalcone video but we didn’t see any scene like the one depicted. We were in Italy for two weeks last fall. Maybe things have changed but traveling by public transport Rome to Florence to Venice then by rent car to the Dolomites went smoothly. I was apprehensive about my wife’s idea of taking this trip and therefore brought a cane in case things got weird. I left it behind at the first Airbnb.

A layover in London was a lousy plan though. The Airbnb we used on short notice was in a neighborhood featuring by my estimation zero native English. I didn’t leave anything in London and won’t be back.

#10 Comment By m wilmore On June 29, 2017 @ 3:42 am

They are trying to justify their jobs in any way they can. We the people need to not bow down to their will because once we let them have any power over us it will not be pretty.