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Odds ‘n Sods:

I just noticed that there have been at least a dozen new retreat property listings added in the past week at my #1 Son’s spin-off web site, SurvivalRealty.com [1]. They are in: Colorado, Arizona, Arkansas, Nevada, Montana, Kentucky, and Idaho. Be sure to check them out! – JWR

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Israel plans mass evacuation if war erupts again [2]

JWR’s Comment: Important Safety Tip: Don’t live within mortar range of Bad Guys who have access to mortars!

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Edward Snowden on Vault 7 NSA Spying tools, IOS, and Samsung at the CeBit in Hanover Germany tech conference. [3]

JWR’s Comment: This one hour and 22 minute interview is worth watching. Don’ t miss Snowden’s comments on metadata, HTTPS, intentional vulnerability of the Internet Of Things, the vulnerability of cloud data, Quantum Sweep, and the loss of faith in government institutions

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Reader B.B. sent in this link to TheZman blog that has a pretty good explanation of what’s going on with the alphabet agencies: The Political Class Murders Itself [4]

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Yet another reason to homeschool: 4-year-old boy brings bullet casing to preschool, gets suspended for 7 days [5]. With hoplophobes running the schools, is it any wonder that an empty .22 shell is called a live shotgun bullet?