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Two Letters Re: Review Of The Jøtul F 50 TL Rangeley


Regarding FT’s review of the Jotul stove and her concern about dealing with removing and cleaning out the ash pan daily as they advance in age, I can only share my own experience as a youngster in a small southern town in the winter. In keeping with her observations about the merchant trusting her to pay for the stovepipe after installation, might I suggest that in regard to respect for elders, you’re not in California anymore? I recall my parents advising (ordering?) me to go down the road to our elderly neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, every winter day after school to empty and clean their ash pan from what sounds like a similar stove for the same reasons. When I (foolishly) questioned my father as to why I had to do this on top of my regular chores, I was told “Because they can’t and you can, and that’s reason enough to help a neighbor”. If you make effort to engulf yourself in your new community, you might very well find things have not changed in Appalachia as much as you think. – Jason in TN

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We have heated with wood only for over 30 years. For the past 16 plus years we have used a Quadra Fire. It is EPA approved and is manufactured by Hearth and Home (in Colville, WA, where it used to be Aladdin Stoves). We can and do boil water on the top of it with no problem, so cooking would not be a problem. It heats our home just fine. It comes in various sizes, based on home square footage, and has a window in the door so is lovely to watch as well as cozy up near it. Also, I don’t have the name handy, but a company in (I think it was) North Idaho makes a non-electric pellet stove. I saw it at the Sustainable Preparedness Expo in Spokane. – G.S.