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Odds ‘n Sods:

An update from Forward Observer: Battle Track the Inauguration SITREP 1830E [1]

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This man’s solo seven-year construction project is astounding. (Video): Underground Rock House Construction [2]

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If only it were that easy to shrink government: 28 Percent of Federal Workers May Quit Their Jobs Once Trump Assumes Office [3]

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The Sneering Revolution: Obama’s Attempt To Undermine U.S. Strategic Capability? [4] – The outgoing U.S. Barack Obama Administration and its supporters embarked on a campaign to traduce and challenge the incoming Administration of President Donald J. Trump in the hope that it would find it difficult to govern effectively. This may be unprecedented in U.S. history and could, to the degree that it succeeds, have an impact on U.S. strategic capabilities, actions, and alliances going forward. No departing U.S. president had gone to such lengths to use the pulpit of the Presidency to discredit an incoming President or presidential candidate as the lengths to which went Obama with Trump. The result was, even by January 2017— before Mr. Trump was sworn into office— to deliberately inflict damage on the strategic credibility and influence of the United States of America going forward.

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From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: Twitter botnet security problem [5] – Dormant, until someone needs it to manipulate. Social media links are always worth scrutiny and should frequently not be clicked on. If your friend says, “Regarding X we were talking about the other day, here’s the relevant article”, it’s likely fine. If all you get is a link or “Hey, check this out,” immediately be suspicious until you confirm an actual person sent it and that it has relevance. “Clickbait” can be misleading, and it can also be dangerous.