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Odds ‘n Sods:

Seed corn thief must pay $425,000 [1]

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Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law [2]

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I’ve had folks ask about Israel’s Lone Soldier (“Tzofim Garin Tzabar [3]“) program, which I mentioned in my novel Land Of Promise. It is a worthy program that sponsors young adults in making Aliyah to Israel through their service in the Israel Defense Force (IDF.) I believe that the program deserves our support. Donations are tax deductible for Americans. And of course donations made on or before December 31st are deductible for 2016. – JWR

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Mega-Regions: What If We Redrew State Boundaries Today? [4] This Gedankenexperiment ties in nicely to my suggestion of partitioning eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington from their respective western halves. – JWR

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The Grid [5] – K.C.