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SurvivalBlog Welcomes New Sponsors and Advertisers

Tobers Traditions [1] is now a sponsor of the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest and is offering a $250 gift certificate to their store.

Tober’s Traditions formulates, produces, and sells, safe, healthy, effective all natural personal care products that actually work! Our product line includes lotions, soaps, deodorant, sunscreen, tooth cleaner, lip balm, massage oil, and insect repellent. Unlike many of the big name brand products, which contain harmful synthetic chemicals and preservatives, our products don’t put your health at risk by using them. And unlike many other all natural products, our products actually work well. Our product line was originally formulated for people with sensitive skin and skin allergies. But as our research and business developed we realized that not only do a large percentage of people have such sensitivities, but that most of the personal care products on the market put people’s health at risk.

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Portable Solar LLC [2] is a new sponsor of the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest and is offering a $3000 gift certificate towards a Sol-Ark Solar Generator. These are EMP hardened Solar Systems.

Portable Solar LLC is a Veteran-owned engineering company with the mission of helping families be less dependent on our vulnerable Grid in an affordable way.

Their company was formed by many engineers who specialize in solar, electrical, mechanical, and nuclear engineering, and they are rewriting the book on solar generators. They design their own patent pending electronics and systems that are tested on automated test stations. The Sol-Ark system was named “The most well thought out solar generator on the market” in 2016.

They also designed patent pending self-storing adjustable angle mounts for solar panels to harness 10-15% more solar energy. Furthermore, they wanted to make sure the complete portable system could be installed by the homeowner to save the cost of installation. As their final contribution, they built EMP generators for testing. Over eight months of testing was needed to test the Solar Flare / EMP Hardening design to assure it would hold up when needed. Their EMP Hardening is modeled after military designs that protect the system, solar panels, and your appliances while in use. One of their engineers tested the solar systems and panels at White Sands N.M. EMP test range.

They are on a mission: A mission to make their portable solar generators the most reliable, affordable solution available for you and your family.

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Snakebite Tactical [3] is also a new sponsor of the SurvivalBlog Writing contest and is donating an IR shelter.

Wondering how you can combat FLIR technology? Snakebite Tactical in Eureka, Montana is the creator of the Ghost Suit which makes you nearly invisible to FLIR devices, even when they are set on on their most sensitive setting. This same technology is used in the creation of a quick shelter which can hide you from FLIR devices while you remain stationary. The shelter covers both the visible spectrum camouflage and the Infrared Spectrum.

Take a look at their site and know that the defense against FLIR technology is much less expensive than the FLIRs themselves.

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X-L Cyber System [4] is a new advertiser. They offer a completely self-contained terabyte repository of critical lifesaving information. Their system comes with a fully configured laptop, an easy to use search engine, and a solar powered charging system in an 80 dB EMP hardened case. If you lost access to the Internet, would you be lost?

Some of their archives contents:

Take a look at their system, and see if it’s what you need for your informational security.