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Guest Article: The Best Oils For A Worst Case Scenario – Part 1, by Melissa Mink

I am going to lay out the very best oils in my opinion to have on hand in a “worst case” scenario or emergency situation. I have used (ran a business and used personally) essential oils for 17 yrs now. They are a part of my life, in home and business every day. I am giving my wisdom, gleaned from experience and much research on the uses and abilities of essential oils. Although there is no replacement for a well-trained medical professional, I realize sometimes life puts us all into situations where what we need isn’t always accessible. So here are my top choices for that time of need when a doctor or vet are not in reach. I will also give why and how you can use the oils. I have put together a kit so as to give a more affordable option to people who do want to have these oils on hand. You may already have these oils, and if so great. If not, you can check out the oils I recommend below or the kit to compare for yourself. It is Essential 7, The Essential Oil Survival Kit. You can find it at Homesteadmoma.com [1].

I am trying to educate not push a product. I want everyone reading this information to understand that: 1) I am not a doctor and am not advocating that you should not visit the doctor for medical advice or a vet, if it involves your pet, and 2) I am not trying to sell you anything. My information, time, research, and willingness to share with you is all free. I am an essential oil business owner, but I’m also an herbalist, wild crafter, and most importantly a mom. I understand everyone has different budgets and different preferences when purchasing essential oils. I am giving you my first hand knowledge along with my time and research, because I believe God wants us to share what we know with others freely. So here are my picks for the essential oils for survival and why I chose them. I give links or works cited under a few oils, but most information you can easily research yourself with the Internet.

A Few Pointers Regarding the Proper Use of Essential Oils

To make an essential oil go farther and to use topically or when ingesting, you should always dilute. To do this, use a carrier oil, such as hemp oil, safflower oil, jojoba oil, or the like. In a pinch, any liquid cooking oil will do. Also note that if anyone gets the essential oils into the eye or on skin undiluted or is experiencing a severe burning sensation, DO NOT WASH with water. Simply rub a liquid oil onto the effected area, and this will “pull out” the essential oil instantly. They are attracted to fatty acids like a magnet, so this is the best way to remove it quickly. The burning sensastion will be gone in seconds.

If you used essential oil(s) for wound care and it is diluted but still burns, I would not flush with more oil to remove, because they need to be present in order to be effective. Removing then would also remove their antibacterial, numbing, and other properties.

#1- Clove

Clove oil is not only highly antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antibacterial, and pretty much “anti-everything”, it is a total favorite of the dental and medical community, including pharmaceutical companies. It was the predecessor of all the “caines”, such as benzocaine, novacaine, lidocaine, and others in the same family. It is synthesized now into a very powerful pain killer and antiseptic for use in wounds, because it has the ability to numb as well as kill germs including viruses. In a worst case scenario where there could be an out break of flu, Ebola, Avian Flu, or something else on that scale, this is the one essential oil I would reach for. If it is 100% pure (food grade), it should be diluted by placing a few drops into a carrier oil or into honey so it can be ingested when symptoms arise. Once diluted, it can be rubbed directly into lymph nodes and on wrists. It is very strong, so dilute well or it will burn. You want to get it into the blood stream so it can be internally effective, so that is why I say rub into lymph nodes. It is a stimulating oil and rubbed onto chest or lymph nodes, it can help to “move” chest congestion and lymph as well as kill bacteria, virus, or fungus that is causing sickness. If someone is having a problem with clogged glands, I would combine with Peppermint (both very productive stimulants) and rub into glands twice a day. It is all I used for my children when teething. I put a few drops into a tablespoon of liquid cooking oil and rubbed directly into gums to numb pain. This would also be my “go to” oil for wound care. In a worst case scenario, where an antibiotic or antiseptic product isn’t available, this can be diluted and poured right into a wound. It is the only oil known to be so highly effective at both numbing and fighting germs. It may sting for a second but will numb pain quickly. This is truly the 1st place winner, and many dentists today still use this on oral infections and tooth abscesses for fighting germs and numbing power. It is gold. Most of my information on clove and its essential oil comes from the book, Back To Eden [2] by Jethro Kloss.

#2- Bergamot

An Italian Citrus, this oil has been studied and shown effective at lowering blood sugar, cholesterol, and is highly effective on anxiety. I would not rely on Lavender as my “mood calmer” for those who are anxious in an emergency. Lavender is good, but the studies (and my personal experiences) point to the fact that Bergamot is multitalented on the body and mind. In a worst case scenario, many of us could be surrounded with friends and family members who have medical needs for problems that need to be controlled. These most likely will include anxiety, nervousness, ADHD, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Not only have these studies shown the Bergamot oil to be highly effective at calming nerves and adding balance to a hyper, nervous, or upset person, but it is shown to be effective and medically useful at lowering high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. One study from the University of Taiwan shows that Bergamot is highly effective at calming the mood and helping to reduce stress of elementary school teachers. I read another that sited it usefull at lowering blood pressure. This oil should be diluted and then rubbed into temples, wrists, on chest, and into neck of anyone who is stressed. A few drops into a diffuser will help to disperse the oils effectiveness into an entire room and aid everyone in the area with its aromatherapy. If there is someone around who needs treatment for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or high cholesterol in your care, it would be helpful to research this more as to exact usage that would benefit them. I personally would have them consume it in a natural smoothie, mixed into peanut butter, or placed under the tongue, only starting with a few drops diluted into the carrier oil to make sure that there aren’t any adverse reactions. Use only 100% pure (food grade) when ingesting any essential oils. In a worst case scenario, this oil will be an invaluable oil. In my opinion it has shown to be much more effective at calming nerves than Lavender Oil, and with an ability to add balance to the entire body’s system I would not forget this oil when making my home emergency and first aid kit.

#3- Peppermint

This oil is tops at reducing fever and calming upset stomach. Although Ginger is really good at tummy trouble, this one is much more appetizing and therefore easier to get down. I not only have personally used it to reduce fever, I have also used it to open the airways of an asthmatic– me! I have had some bouts with pneumonia and even pleurisy in the past. This oil will certainly open up the airways and has been shown to aid in circulation. If in a time of need someone cannot breathe, isn’t getting enough oxygen or isn’t responsive, I would reach for this to hold under the nose, and diluted it can be rubbed on the chest. If breathing is troubled, I would dilute and drop onto back of the tongue or put an undiluted drop into hands and cup over nose and mouth to breathe in. For fever reduction, place a few drops (diluted just a bit) onto spine, temples, soles of feet, and lymph nodes, and rubbed in. For upset stomach, I would place a few drops into honey to ingest or a drop into warm tea; you can add honey, if you please. Honey will also help calm the stomach upset. Again, combine Peppermint with Clove diluted, for a way to simulate the circulatory system, move lymph, and loosen chest congestion. Peppermint alone, or combined with Clove, could possibly aid an elderly person, a diabetic, or someone suffering from hypothermia with circulation. Simply rub diluted mixture right into skin with a good massage. Also these two combined are a powerhouse on someone with the croop or flu with coughing. Diluted you can rub on chest and into lymph nodes to help the cough be more productive and help with fighting the infection from the glands.