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Odds ‘n Sods:

Meet the survivalists hoarding bee pollen and preparing for apocalypse [1] – DMS

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It’s not enough to promote the belittling of human life, now this: Walking Dead TV Series – Programming the Public for Martial Law [2] – Sent in by T.P.

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Reader G.P. sent in the link to this nifty device for storing your tools. Pretty great if your GOOD vehicle is a Jeep. Rampage Trail Can Locking Toolbox w Compartments [3]

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Either he never learns or this is intentional. Either way, chances are good we will see these two again and they will cost more American lives: Obama Releases Two al-Qaeda Bomb Experts from Gitmo to Senegal [4] – Sent in by B.B.

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Kevlar or plastic? New armor lighter, provides same protection [5] – G.P.