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Odds ‘n Sods:

J.F. was the first of many readers to mention this essay by Bill Buppert: The Evil That Men Do: Willful Submission To Illegitimate Authority [1]

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Several readers suggested linking to this article: Probable cause: Pursuing drugs and guns on scant evidence, D.C. police sometimes raid wrong homes — terrifying the innocent [2]

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Pat Cascio flagged this bit of BHO Hive Mind insanity mentioned in The Army Times: BCT banishes combat patches, badges to boost morale. [3]

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JWR spotted a useful video from Wranglerstar: Bucking & Splitting The Big Wood. [4] Note his economy of motion. It always helps to have the proper tools.

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You now have your free press credentials from CFAPA.org [5]. Great. Now you are a credentialed journalist. So you might wonder how you can both record and stream video and audio with your wi-fi enabled GoPro [6] at a public event? Check out this little hack [7]. Oh, by the way, to keep your hands free to take notes, it is probably best to use a headstrap or helmet mount [8]. – JWR