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Odds ‘n Sods:

Some important reading: The Hidden Persuaders – How The Internet Flips Election & Alters Our Thoughts [1]. This article helps explain why bloggers in general and Matt Drudge [2] in particular are so despised by the mainstream media.  Because Matt and his small staff have thousands of independent thinkers all over the world tipping them to news stories, they are outside of the control of the Google Thought Police Machine. Likewise, the column items that you recommend to us at SurvivalBlog–often from small town newspapers and from “boots on the ground” bloggers–have the same value in creating refreshingly independent journalism. – JWR

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Patrice Lewis, Editrix of the often-cited Rural Revolution [3] blog posted a fantastic essay titled Social Justice Whiners: The Group We Love To Hate [4]. (I can only wonder what would these whiners would say if I told them that I create my own fully-mobile “Very Safe Space”, whenever I pack a .45 ACP pistol?) By the way, far more than just a commentator on current events, Patrice Lewis also lives the life of preparedness, on her North Idaho ranch, and shares her lessons learned in her blog. See this recent example: Wood Cookstove Update [5].

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Frank B. sent this article link: ‘Super lice’ outbreak hits 25 states [6]

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SurvivalBlog reader Jerry W. wrote to mention a new petition demanding that the United States Senate reject any judicial activist nominated by President Obama to fill the now-vacant seat of Justice Antonin Scalia. He wrote: “The President’s two prior successful nominees have proven to be judicial activists who have swayed the High Court’s rulings radically leftward on matters of extreme importance, with long-lasting effects. We cannot allow the Senate to confirm a third Supreme Court nomination of President Obama.”  If you agree, then here is a link to the petition [7].

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J.L. suggested these two essays at From The Trenches World ReportIfYou Don’t Think Americans Have Lost Our Freedoms, READ THIS [8], and Demanding Constitutional Compliance.