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Letter: ShepherdFarmerGeek on Relocation to Belize

Dear Editor:
SurvivalBlog’s spin-off site SurvivalRealty.com [1] has just listed a unique retreat opportunity called Providence Belize [2]. The Shepherdess and I a-l-m-o-s-t moved there ourselves last year, but God is clearly calling us to stay and stand where we are with the people He has led us to help.

That said, we visited Belize once, for one day on a cruise excursion. It’s just beautiful (a subtropical paradise if you’re a gardener like me and tired of the drought conditions around Spokane!). Belize is a former British Colony. (It was called British Honduras, before 1973), and English is their primary language. I’ve never met Jim Duncan personally, but have corresponded with him for almost a year about this and I believe that he’s a man of integrity and he has commitment to Jesus.

I have zero financial connection with Providence Belize, whatsoever. My only concern is to see Jim Duncan’s vision of a remnant community succeed, as well as helping those fellow preppers who are ready to pick up and move their families somewhere safer. With Providence Belize you don’t have to freelance it, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are already American Christians there to help you adapt and navigate the local scene.

Many of us have realized that we need a survival community to face the coming storm. What better place than one specifically intended for Christian preppers? If God is leading you out of the United States then this could be the safe place you’ve been looking for.

Trust God. Be Prepared. We can do both! – ShepherdFarmerGeek