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Odds ‘n Sods:

No introduction needed. The title says it all: A Warning To The Feds On Incremental Prosecutions Of The Liberty Movement [1] – Sent in by RBS.

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Federal Court Rules You Can Be Arrested Simply For Filming The Police [2] – H.K.

JWR’s Comment: This court ruling is yet another reason why all SurvivalBlog readers should get a free set of press credentials from our CFAPA.org spin-off web site.

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Interesting Russian link with Caching Tubes from WWII Still Intact [3]. Sent in by L.I.

Editors note: Google translated link [4]

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Where there is a will, there is a way: Semi-auto pistol improvised from sheet metal [5]. There is third video not in this article but at the same YouTube channel where these are hosted that shows it being test fired by hand. – Sent in by G.P.

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The real reason the FBI wants a backdoor into the iPhone [6] Excerpt: “… if the FBI prevails in this case, the ramifications won’t be limited to smartphones. It will set a precedent for the government legally conscripting any and every entity they desire for the purposes of citizen surveillance and metadata collection.“ – RBS