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Odds ‘n Sods:

Anyone looking for a large, defensible property on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee should take look at this new listing on our SurvivalRealty spin-off site: Copeland Mountain [1]. This 540 acre tract with numerous springs would be ideal to subdivide for a large group retreat community. The $1.75 million price tag might seem spendy, but if it were broken into 10 subdivided parcels of around 54 acres apiece, that works out to $175,000 per parcel. – JWR

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Submitted by SurvivalBlog reader T.A.: 2 people walking across Golden Gate Bridge hit by blow darts [2] The blowgun, while being a quiet weapon, is also a close range weapon. One has to wonder if better situational awareness would have helped this situation.

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Pioneer Preppy [3] has a very interesting perspective of what we might expect from our government, now that Antonin Scalia has passed away. – Avalanche Lily

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SurvivalBlog reader T.P. sent in the link to a very disturbing video [4]. The amateur journalist has noticed that certain armed personnel in Oregon are wearing blue jeans and do not have insignia, though they claim to be “supporting” the Sheriff’s Department. Is the Sheriff bringing in FBI personnel? If these are private security contractors, this is very disturbing.

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It’s weird, it’s sort of ugly, it makes thrumming noises, and you’ll want one. [5] What do you get when you cross extreme tundra tires, an over-sized canopy bubble, and a Super-Cub? Thanks to SurvivalBlog reader T.P. for the link.