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Odds ‘n Sods:

Mitch Beaudoin from the Burntroot Broadcasting podcast in Canada recently posted his interview (Part 1 [1] and Part 2 [2]) with James Wesley, Rawles. This is an excellent interview for those who are just now getting in to the survival/prepper frame of mind as it covers the basics and some history.

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I just noticed that we are rapidly approaching the milestone of 80 million unique visits. Thanks for making SurvivalBlog such a great success. Even after 10 years, there are still some folks who are still unaware of the blog’s existence. So a link [3] in your blog, web page, or e-mail footer would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks! – JWR

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SurvivalBlog reader B.B. sent in this article: Immigrant Activist Makes History By Becoming New York’s First Undocumented Lawyer [4]. The statement that this person “passed the Bar” makes one realize that apparently a lawyer is not required to follow the law in order to practice. Illegal Immigration is a misdemeanor crime and if repeated after deportation becomes punishable as a felony. How can we claim to be a lawful nation when we knowingly authorize those who flagrantly flaunt the breaking of law to practice in our justice system. How can a person possibly attain justice when the system disregards the very law it is supposed to uphold?

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The 4th Circuit applied strict scrutiny to Maryland’s gun control law [5] in a win for the Second Amendment. Sent in by J.C.

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Reader JBG sent in this article from USA Today detailing how the UK wants authority to serve warrants in U.S. [6] The proposed plan does not allow access to U.S. citizen’s data, but the possibility for abuse exists.