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Odds ‘n Sods:

Zika virus, a wolf in sheep’s clothing [1] A virus that has no vaccine and no specific treatment is on the rise and prevention appears to be the only real option. The mosquito-borne virus is actually a minor illness that resembles a light case of the flu except when it holds a nasty surprise. – D.S.

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No idea what you’re going to do when TEOTWAWKI is here and there is no GPS? How about doing the same thing that Native Americans did for hundreds of years: Native American GPS [2] – T.Z.

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Flint Residents Told That Their Children Could Be Taken Away If They Don’t Pay For City’s Poison Water [3]. Let me get this straight – The government is responsible for the quality of the water delivered, mandates that it be purchased and used, but it is unsafe to use. If you don’t pay your water bill for this substandard, poisoned water, the city threatens to foreclose on your home and take your children away? It’s time to move! – D.S.

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From the Desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large: The NRA seems to be the only organization that has actually tested the Armatix iP1, the Not-So-Smart Gun. [4]

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The Sundance Film Festival Trains Its Sights on the Gun Debate [5] – T.P.