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Odds ‘n Sods:

I had to chuckle a bit, seeing the news reports from the east coast. You see, we get five to eight feet of snow most winters here in our part of the American Redoubt. And it is not unusual to get two feet of snow with just one two-day storm. When we do, we just throw another log on the fire, top off our livestock water tanks, and our kids have an excuse to slack off on their homeschooling to do some extra sledding. But we certainly don’t call it #SNOWMAGEDDON, and the local police chief doesn’t threaten to arrest people if they go out driving [1]. This is not The End Of The World As We Know It! Stay safe and warm, folks. Keep those who don’t have backup heat and water systems in your prayers. – JWR

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J.C. sent in this link to the vlogger Primitive Technology: Cord drill and Pump drill [2]. It is truly amazing what can be accomplished with some of the most primitive tools and a little ingenuity.

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Reader A.W. sent this Facebook link [3] to pictures of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard). In spite of a record snow fall, the Old Guard is still on duty at Arlington National Cemetery honoring the memory of the Unknown Soldier. (You do not have to have a Facebook account to view the pictures.)

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‘Seeds of Change’ Documents the Seed Saving Movement [4]. Sent in by D.S., this article is about the PBS special documenting the rise of the patented seed, the decline of the heirloom seed, and the fight to save it.

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More reason to home school: Former Pearson Exec Reveals Anti-American Agenda in Common Core [5] – B.B.