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Blueprint for Rebuilding- Part 1, by GRC

Timelines differ, and predictions of what causes mayhem differ. One thing we all agree on is that the time to prepare grows short, not time as we modern Westerners understand it, after all our civilization was built and rebuilt over the course of 2000 plus years, but the expiration date is surely fast approaching. Each day brings thanksgiving mixed with surprise that the thin veneer of our existence has lasted another sunrise. And while those who prepare for an uncertain tomorrow welcome the opportunity to tick another item off the to-do list, the rest of the world laughs at such plans. “It hasn’t happened yet, see? Told you that you were afraid of nothing!,” goes the taunt of the urban grasshopper.

Doubt creeps in. We wonder, “Am I wrong? Maybe everyone else is right. I devote time and resources to protecting my interests, and yet folly I know to be unsustainable happily carries on.” Millions and billions of dollars slosh untethered around the halls of government[1 [1]]. Morals are not merely ignored but openly taunted[2 [2]]. Our once great culture, that which formed the backbone of the greatest empire the world has ever known, now indoctrinates children into mocking the beliefs of their grandparents. Schools were once represented by a red, white, and blue banner flying proudly at the front door; now the very idea of civic pride insists you sacrifice your own beliefs for the sake of another’s impulses[3 [3]].

So the prepared waver, if ever so slightly. Yet, we have the benefit of history, do we not? History operates in epochs, not in quarters or seasons. Perhaps we shall never see the “Great Reset” in our lifetimes. We only prefer the pain to be on our shoulders instead of future generations. There will be no joy in proving our foresight and no glee in redemption of beliefs. The facts are in plain sight, for anyone to draw the same conclusions. Unlike others we are more than willing to provide details of our research, to help others learn. So considering our wish for the success of all, it is right we create our own blueprint for rebuilding, not just for ourselves but also for future generations, a reference for those ignorant of the cycles present in human history. Time is of the essence; the sand of the hourglass is quickly sifting.

Answering the Question

What will this “Reset” look like? Multiple threats exist, but the following three categories capture most potential causes:

The prepared community argues which trigger will provide the ultimate spark, almost as though cheering on a sports team or debating which translation of the Bible is most accurate. Urgency demands that we avoid a rehash of the arguments or lobby one side vs. the other. The ultimate cause at this point holds no relevance to those who are prepared. Following, you will not find specific tips on products needed for any of these catastrophes. Each person prepares in their own best way, and certainly there are a multitude of fine resources from which to reference specific tactics and equipment.

Instead, this paper puts forward a question posed by historically illiterate Political Science professors all over the world every semester– a question that can frame our vision of what might heal a wounded world. Of course, the professors lift it from Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature [4], but students don’t know that at the time and few recall it until exposed to the idea of thinking beyond tomorrow.

What Ought To Be?

There it is, four words summing up the very purpose of governmental, economic, and religious pursuits. Four words followed by quite an important punctuation symbol– the question mark– leaving open your personal take on a simple question. For with seven billion souls on this planet, there will certainly be seven billion interpretations, perhaps more because so few people seem to believe in absolutes any more.

What does a centuries old philosophy question have to do with surviving an imminent apocalypse? Because even that day of reckoning too shall pass. Once we have bugged out or hunkered down, once we have banded together or gone solo, and once we have consumed our last hard-put provision, we will need to emerge once again to interact with our fellow man in a way that does not include raiding and pillaging, or even isolation. For that is not who we were made to be.

Nothing that tests us will be new to the human race. We are descendants of people who suffered massive historical resets. The Black Death[4 [5]], the Thirty Years War[5 [6]], the Potato Famine, and the world wars nearly erased entire peoples. I’m sure, as a student of history, you could name several more. Whole areas and populations were devastated in disasters unforeseen by most. In fact, even those who may have predicted an unraveling would not have guessed the exact time or cause. Few of the prescient remained unsurprised at the scale of devastation from their predicted events.

Yet there were always those who outlasted the fire, just as in our own future Reset there will be those who endure. Your direct ancestors did; otherwise, you would not be here now. Will that be you? Pray that it is so, for humanity will need a multitude of ants to help any remaining grasshoppers, not just in resources but also knowledge. The point being that just having enough to eat after hard times fall won’t be sufficient. Without a blueprint, chaos follows calamity[6 [7]]. The goal should be to prepare for not just sustenance but for revival.

Examples to Navigate By

The question returns…What ought to be?…not the day after, or the month after, or even the year after disaster. What does a new civilization look like? Hopefully it’s one crafted by those with the foresight to recognize we are all part of a larger timeline. Hedonism, whatever your religious beliefs (or lack thereof), is not a foundation. Debauchery cannot be the base for progress.

Just as the enemies of freedom and personal determination possess prefabricated plans to roll out in times of crisis, let us too form our own. The Patriot Act, for whatever good intentions, was a labyrinth of unintended consequences. Regardless of speeches and floor debate, that bill was crafted years before 9/11 occurred, sitting patiently for the right time to be unveiled[9 [8]]. One could easily provide evidence for any such legislation or executive order, passed in the passion of a moment, used to further agendas well purposed or otherwise. Lawmakers and law interpreters earn their daily bread by creating simultaneous problems and solutions, most schemed and enacted while we remain distracted at work or home overwhelmed by the energy needed just to tread water in today’s life.

So let us too make plans, a well-crafted blueprint to build a shining city on the hill, not to further political goals or plans to deceive. True patriots haven’t the slightest interest in ruling the affairs of others, so long as they don’t interfere with their own. This blueprint makes plans to return to self-determination in a community setting. It’s a small town where a person can hang a shingle without onerous oversight, where children walk safely around the neighborhood, their only fear being what chore list might await them when they return home. It’s where our old folks sit comfortably on their front porch and where those who produce the tangible goods of a society are respected.

Look to the turn of the twentieth century rural America as a guide. Self-sufficiency, hard work, and an understanding of the land raised a generation able to withstand the Great Depression and a great war engulfing the entire planet[7 [9]]. Small town America was no myth. You can still see the fossils proving its existence even today.

Wander the streets of a fading Midwestern farm town. Find an old man in denim overalls before they are all gone. Ask him, “Sir, what business used to be in this building?” He will look at the decaying red brick walls and give you the history. He’ll say, “a doctor’s office” or it was a meat shop, perhaps. He will point to hardware stores or more recently appliance depots. All are now closed. He’ll be happy to show you where the opera house was; yes, those were prevalent in small town America[30 [10]]. You already know the stereotype of the uncultured rube is just that. These were a people who valued the arts in their own way. Education of children was paramount; simply try to pass an 8th grade graduation test from the time period and find yourself humbled[8 [11]].

They were a busy folk, cutting timber, digging coal, and building farms. Home time was spent nurturing personal gardens and livestock. Even those considered townsfolk tended vegetables instead of turf. Religion was exhibited more than displayed. Reading was treasured. Despite little or no government intervention, or perhaps as a result, violent crime against the innocent was scarce.

What happened to this legitimately great society? That is a topic for another time and a spirited debate. Clearly not all was perfect with these people, but as we look to eras to emulate in the years following our own trials let us begin here.

How do we get there? What ought to be? The world of Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers didn’t happen by accident. Advances in innovation, technology, and education were fostered by having sufficient supplies all year long. Long-term planning prevented short-term distraction. Food, of course, was their primary need, along with fuel and security. Indeed, our needs will be the same.

Sowing Seeds of Success

How will you satisfy those needs? How will you stay provisioned, warm and safe in the darkest days after a catastrophic event? After all, no great new world can be built without the survival of those possessing the cornerstone. Let us back up a moment to discuss plans to help ourselves before a time of despair. A blueprint that will translate into a head start in a post-Reset world.

Early twentieth century Americans were not easily taken advantage of. We’ve established they were well educated in their own way and quite more sophisticated then their east coast countrymen first believed. In negotiating matters of business, rural agrarians banded together to form cooperatives[14 [12]] to achieve buying power with suppliers. Also, producers needed to sell grain and livestock in a manner that achieved fair pricing. The cooperative form of enterprise best suited this purpose, allowing each family the chance to keep their enterprise and their independence. The fruits of their organizational labor are still seen across the country side, represented by the giant silos used to bunch grain together and transport to city mills. A unique way your cooperative can use these facilities will be discussed later in this paper.

A way to establish community right now, and perhaps rebuild a local economy visibly draining away, is to return to our cooperative roots. Contrary to belief of some, this is not antithetical to truly free markets. Cooperatives, instead, create a more personal and community-focused form of the corporation, one that still looks out for the shareholders involved, except that the vested parties are actual producers themselves and not financiers. Three forms of potentially useful cooperatives jump out when pressure-tested against both pre- and post-Reset scenarios:


We already wondered how we might keep our community warm after outside sources fail, so let us continue now by discussing the first bullet point, biofuel. The concept of a biofuel cooperative is not revolutionary; many have already sprouted up around the world[17 [13]]. Take this a step further, not just as an investment in one large facility in a community, but in several smaller refineries actually on personal property. The economics of these types of projects are improving. More importantly, this is not just an exercise in currency creation. If local dollars are retained in the community, i.e. fuel produced locally instead of overseas, a new equation for being economically viable must be considered[28 [14]].

A cooperative producing its own fuel can provide heat, electricity via generator, and transportation. Micro biofuel refineries have advanced dramatically over the past few years[15 [15]], with many universities acting as resources for cooperatives to begin production[16 [16]]. Relationships between your cooperative and local diesel mechanics will be an important asset, both now and in the future. Diesel engines are easily converted to biofuels[18 [17]] created by your cooperative, which can power bulldozers and tractors to help reinforce secure locations and larger scale gardening and farming[19 [18]]. The point of the cooperative is to spread the cost of investment, which includes labor as well as money. Find experienced mechanics who enjoy new projects as their schedule allows. Many are small business owners who could see the potential economic benefit in the cooperative’s future activities. The ideal candidates will be those who worked on machinery before it became totally dominated by computers.


While warmth and fuel are very important to the future success of your community, successful farming is an immediate need. Gardening is the most personal form of farming. Chances are you garden now, not for profit though that is a happy sideline to many. Farming provides a lifestyle to some, but ultimately it is seen as a profession for securing currency. Truly, many farmers today would be at a loss to feed themselves without the benefit of the grocery store. They are specialists focusing on that which provides the maximum return per acre to satisfy outside landlords or investors[20 [19]]. There is nothing wrong with this as a 21st century business model, but understand that the term “farmer” was rarely used one hundred years ago in the context we use the word now. If you asked the elder gentleman in our earlier example, he would say that his family didn’t farm to earn a living; it was just who they were. We will still need specialists in the new world. However, each community member must learn to provide the bulk of their own food either through toil or trade.

Achieving critical mass for the success of our cooperatives, locally produced fuels allow the community to greatly improve their grain production with diesel-powered equipment. Excess grain production allows the cooperative to provide for basic needs plus devote the surplus for biofuel production. Thus begins the virtuous cycle needed to create a sustainable local economy[21 [20]]. Consider creating a local currency now to exchange locally produced goods, just make sure it is always backed by something tangible[22 [21]]. Remember, a closed loop cannot be “cut off” in any consequential way. Food is the ultimate currency; warmth is the ultimate luxury. Even pre-Reset, that may be all the economy a community truly needs.


[1]Congress Passes 1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill http://politics.nytimes.com/congress/votes/113/house/2/563 [22]

[2]America’s Accelerating Decay http://www.nationalreview.com/article/416543/americas-decay-speeding [23]

[3]http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/04/planned-parenthood-joins-lgbt-groups-push-political-agenda-schools/ [24]

[4]Social and Economic Effects of the Plague http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Italian_Studies/dweb/plague/effects/social.php [25]

[5]The Empire after the Thirty Years War https://europeanhistory.boisestate.edu/reformation/germany/after30yw.shtml [26]

[6]A City of Despair and Lawlessness http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/01/AR2005090100533.html [27]

[7]Character Lessons From the Greatest Generation http://www.ucg.org/character [28]

[8]No, You’re Probably Not Smarter Than a 1912-Era 8th Grader http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/no-youre-probably-not-smarter-than-a-1912-era-8th-grader-19949041/?no-ist [29]

[9]Paul: Glee in WH after 9/11 http://www.politico.com/story/2011/12/paul-glee-in-wh-after-9-11-070156#ixzz1g4NPLTUD [30]

[10]Farmer’s Tower http://www.mnhs.org/library/tips/history_topics/70peavey.php [31]

[11]Revisiting Montana’s Historic Landscape http://montanahistoriclandscape.com/tag/railroad-corridor/ [32]

[12]Fortified Churches of Europe http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/596 [33]

[13]Blickle, Peter (2004) Heimat: A Critical Theory Of The German Idea Of Homeland

[14]Center for Cooperatives http://www.uwcc.wisc.edu/whatisacoop/history/ [34]

[15]Brew your own: Argentina’s micro-refinery New Agriculturalist http://www.new-ag.info [35]

[16]What is Biodiesel? http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/soybean/uses_biodiesel.html [36]

[17]Gains In Biodiesel Add Up for Rural Areas http://unitedsoybean.org [37]

[18]Biodiesel – Your Farm Has Fuel http://www.hobbyfarms.com/crops-and-gardening/fuel-from-your-farm.aspx [38]

[19]Armored Bulldozer http://www.popsci.com/russia-unveils-armored-bulldozer [39]

[20]Future Farms of America Might Not Include Much Family http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/01/31/170659579/future-farms-of-america-might-not-include-much-family [40]

[21]Sustainable Communities: Creating a Durable Local Economy Rhonda Phillips, Bruce Seifer, Ed Antczak Routledge, Aug 15, 2013

[22]Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies by Gwendolyn Hallsmith

[23] Testimony After Catastrophe: Narrating the Traumas of Political Violence By Stevan Weine

[24] Rural Neighborhood Watch Program https://www.sonomafb.org/Farm+News/Farm+News+Archive/2014/Feb+14/Rural+Neighborhood+Watch+Program.htm [41]

[25] Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/us/murder-rates-rising-sharply-in-many-us-cities.html?_r=0 [42]

[26] 10 facts about religion in America http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/08/27/10-facts-about-religion-in-america/ [43]

[27] After Hurricane Sandy: Time to Learn and Implement the Lessons in Preparedness, Response, and Resilience http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/10/after-hurricane-sandy-time-to-learn-and-implement-the-lessons [44]

[28] Viability & Sustainability in Rural Agricultural Communities: Residents’ Perceptions of Individual, Community and Macro-Level Factors – By Brenda Bacon and Derek Brewin http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~brewindg/Rural1.pdf [45]

[29] Diminishing Job Prospects for Protestant Pastors www.pbs.org Religion & Ethics Newsletter

[30] Midwest American Rural Landscapes and the Creation of a Unique Theatre Culture, 1870-1940 by Richard L. Poole http://www.muse.jhu.edu [46]