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Letter Re: Some Harsh Lessons of Beekeeping, by Keith K.

To the Editor;

Keith K. was absolutely correct in that if one is considering keeping bees as a TEOTWAWKI pollinating vector and food supply (honey), there should be an innate interest present before devoting time and effort to the project. I fully realize that there should be more initial motivation than just consideration of a cost/benefit analysis before entering into the hobby of beekeeping. Specifically, the overall homestead health and sustainability must be considered to see whether beekeeping would be a good fit for daily life and upkeep. We will all respond in relation to our own skills and gifts in a post-SHTF homesteading situation, and if beekeeping is not an interest of yours, then work towards optimizing your own surroundings in your own way. As a backyard beekeeping enthusiast myself, I think often about how to continue my own hives post-collapse as a method of food production and garden/crop pollination. Along with my standard preps, I find it not an additional burden to stockpile sufficient supplies to keep my hives running smoothly whether society is functioning or not. Further, I am learning how to build my own hive systems (using hand tools) and raising my own queen bees which will allow me to barter with other budding beekeepers post-collapse. Due to my home’s placement adjacent to a number of undisturbed meadows, I have found my honey production to be very acceptable (160 lbs from one hive last season). Once a post-collapse economy is initiated, honey as a food source will make a beekeeper a valuable resource (see the book Enforcing Home by A. American). Overall, in order to make beekeeping an integral component of my post-SHTF homesteading plans, I rely on my strong interest and love for these amazing creatures, and my wonder at the bounty they provide. – SF in VT