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Odds ‘n Sods:

Our SurvivalRealty spin-off site gets some very unusual retreat property listings, but this new one on Hawaii’s Big Island is incredible: Private Cave Bordering Forest Reserve in Tropical Paradise [1]

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SurvivalBlog reader R.H. wrote in response to Five Intelligence Essentials for Preparedness and Community Security, by Samuel Culper [2] with a link to an article [3] describing how to turn a computer and a TV tuning dongle into a police scanner capable of receiving trunked radio traffic.

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J.N. writes in: “Gun haters point to recent mass shooting and froth at the mouth demanding new anti-gun legislation to stop such future massacres.

But, the Washington Post– that monument to antigun agenda journalism– has admitted in print, in detail [4] through its “fact checkers”, that NONE of Obama’s proposed gun control initiatives would have stopped those mass shootings!”

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Google Files Patent for “Needle-Free” Glucose Testing Technology [5] – What could possible go wrong here?! – Sent in by D.S.

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Flu Flop: Another Year of Dangerous CDC Lies [6]