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Attaining Food in Urban Locations (From Land and Sea)- Part 1, by Cracker Makk

If it has hair, feathers, or scales, it is edible. In the desperate times that lay ahead, people are going to have to make a choice. They’ll either become self-sufficient and revert back to the practices of our ancestors (the hunter/gatherers) or stand there with their hand out and wait for something that isn’t coming. You need to learn how to keep your body nourished and feed the ones you love. The truth is there are food sources everywhere around us that are easily obtainable with a little patience and technical know-how. However, many people in this country have become lazy, and the thought of catching something themselves and eating it is considered taboo or distasteful. Many people have become so dependent on the system to provide them food that they have no idea how to acquire it for themselves. Whether it is food and water, clothing, houses, or phones, you name it, someone with their hand out is getting it at the expense of the American tax payer. Eventually this will come to a grinding halt. When the lazy ones, as I call them, stop getting their free stuff and shelves are empty at the stores, they will not know what to do. They will not know how to acquire food and will start looting every chance they get. They will soon discover their tangibles no longer have any value, and they will be left to starve; and starve they will. Hopefully you won’t.

My uncle was in the 101st and 82nd airborne divisions in the U.S. Army. He did three tours in Vietnam, was shot four times, blinded in one eye, and had his throat cut ear to ear and yet lived. On his last tour he was the only one in his group to make it back still breathing. I spent most of my childhood with him, camping, hunting, and fishing. We camped on islands in the Marcasis, south of the Florida Keys, down in the everglades, on cypress heads in the swamps, and even in some protected wildlife areas where we weren’t supposed to be. We never took food with us, only the means to obtain it and some very basic survival gear. These trips made me appreciate nature and taught me how to live off the land. They gave me a sense of empowerment that I hope to convey to you in the following paragraphs below. With that said, I want to be straight here. If you are someone who won’t even try certain things because of the way it looks and can’t think outside the box, then don’t waste your time reading this; it won’t be useful to you. Some of the food sources mentioned here may not be one’s first choice, but in a worst case scenario drastic times require drastic measures and could mean the difference between starving to death and staying alive. If you want to live and even thrive on all of the food sources that are out there, then stay with me. I will share with you the skills that will help you keep food on your table and have an edge that most people know nothing about.

Most of us realize that the time bomb is fast approaching. Our economic system is manipulated, the nation’s debt is overwhelming, our mainstream media is suppressed, and political corruption is rampant among our leaders. If history has shown us anything, it is that broken systems are unsustainable and a major change is imminent. Unfortunately no one knows what will be the tipping point or when this event will take place, but be assured it is coming. For some individuals it will be hard, but for many others it will be catastrophic. When the shelves at the food stores are empty, what will you do? Are you self-sufficient? Are you prepared? Regardless, I am going to share with you the techniques I learned from my uncle on catching birds, squirrels, turtles, alligators, and many others from land as well as fresh fish and other edible seafood sources using a mask, snorkel, fins, and a spear gun. These tips along with a little practice will keep food on your table when your neighbors are starving. The main objective here is to open your mind to food options when the present ones are no longer available. But let’s be clear here; your survival will depend on you. You do not have to be an avid outdoorsmen or professional spear fisherman to put food on your table. You just need the will to survive and the knowledge below. Be creative and find a way to “make it work”. No matter what your case is, there is always a way to make it work. Think about this for a minute and let it sink in. Let’s get started.



There are many different species of birds that are very good eating and easy to find. Obviously, a BB gun [1] or pellet Rifle [2] is recommended for birds in residential or commercial areas (since we are talking about urban areas here), but depending on the circumstances the sound of a 22 or a shotgun may be commonplace at that particular time. Birds which have become quite accustomed to human activity, like pigeons, will be one of the easiest animals to get close to, simply because they associate humans with food. Pigeons have large, meaty breasts and can be found in groups. It should also be noted that their gizzards and hearts are very tasty as well. (Pan frying is recommended.) Pigeons are found close to stores, under bridges, and in heavily traveled areas. They are very comfortable being around people and can be caught using a small dip net [3], pool skimmer net [4], or cast net [5]. If a pigeon is in view, walk over to it slowly and in a non-threatening way. One of the keys to catching live animals is not making eye contact. You will hear me emphasizing this numerous times during this article with many species, especially fish while hunting underwater. One very successful tactic to catch a pigeon is to pick up something you see on the ground (dummy bait) and pretend it is food. The bird will be watching you; mark my word on it. Make sure you have a few different items and throw one of the items on the ground out of its range. Make sure the bird sees you do it. Before the bird knows that it’s not food, throw another piece a little closer to him but in reach for you to scoop him with the net. Make sure you go from top down. Be accurate. You may only get one chance at it, but you will get close enough to get him.

Another easy target are seagulls. They are simple to catch using a fishing pole and a small hook. Although seagulls are found on the beaches most of the time, they are also found in large numbers around parking lots, dumpsters, landfills, and standing water. They will eat most anything, just like a pigeon, and can be lured using anything that has an odor to it. Be creative, and think outside the box. There are earthworms in the soil close to flowers. They can also be found in dark dirt areas where the soil is moist. Keep in mind, birds such as seagulls associate humans with food as well, and even if they don’t have a liking for worms, they will be drawn to whatever you throw out at them. The trick is getting them to put it in their mouth. Once they do that, set the hook and hold on for the fight. If you have more than one fishing pole, make sure you keep the gull on the ground out in view of the other gulls. They are usually in groups, and they are very competitive by nature. Once they see one gull on the ground, they will figure it has found food and many more will come a calling. Get your other hook ready and set it once he puts the bait in its mouth. We used to catch them using small pieces of hot dogs and bacon. (You can use anything that has an odor.) Keep in mind once you catch one and clean it (removing the feathers, feet, head, and wings) you will need to gut it by removing all the inner organs. Those organs are very useful when it comes to bait for more seagulls, pigeons, alligators, opossums, raccoons, cats, dogs, turtles, or for catching fish, so do not discard any of them. A little later I will teach you a very simple way to put these innards to work and catch some of the best eating creatures available. The best way to keep the inner organs for later use is to freeze them. However, if freezing them isn’t an option for you, then simply wrap them in a small air tight container and bury it in the ground at least 24 inches deep, where the temperature is much cooler beneath the soil and the innards will keep for twice as long as they would above ground.


Muscogee ducks are another animal that are acquainted with human presence and very easy to catch. They are fed by people all of the time, and the hungrier they get the closer they come to man. They can be caught using a dummy bait (a rock, stick, or piece of paper) held out so they can see it. When they come right up to you to eat it, simply grab them by the neck. I used to catch them exactly like this when I was six years old. There is no doubt you can do it, too. You can also catch them in a cast net, which is by far the easiest way. Muscogee ducks may not look very appealing, but they taste just like a chicken. I know everyone always says that, but it’s true. So why not eat it if your life depends on it. It is a food source that is very easy to harvest, and they are found close to parks, lakes, ponds, and even ditches that have standing water in them. Move in a non-threatening manner, and avoid eye contact with the animal as much as possible.


One of my favorite birds to eat is the dove. They love millet, rice, sunflower seeds, peanuts, grass seeds, ragweed, corn, and pine cone kernels. If you have any of these items on site, try baiting an open area with the specific item and wait for the dove’s arrival. It may take up to two weeks for them to find it. However, if it rains and washes your seeds away you will need to rebait your area. The key is getting it where you have seen other doves previously. It is important to note that doves need to ingest a certain amount of shell rock every day to help them with their digestion and Ph balance,` so you may want to locate an area that fits this criteria to insure positive results. Shooting them with a small caliber rifle is ideal, but if things are real bad and you don’t have access to a firearm then there is another option I have used with much success. There are many breeds of doves– mourning, turtle, white wing, and ring neck, to name a few. They are all delicious to eat. They’re also related to the pigeon and do at times interbreed. They can be trapped, especially in the warmer months of the year and when water is scarce. You will need a tarp [6] and some screen mesh [7]. The main objective here is providing them with a water source that does not disperse into the soil and stays wet. Doves like shallow areas to drink from, and they don’t like to get their feet wet. The first step is to lay the tarp down on the ground in a low spot. You will need a low spot so that when you pour the water on it, the water stays in the pocket and doesn’t run off the tarp. (Because the water will be covered by screen, this will slow the evaporation process, and the water will stand for longer periods of time. If you don’t have a frame or anything structural to support your screen, the screen can be laid over a large hanging branch. Remember, it does not have to be perfect; you just need something that is enclosed and holds water with a small entrance at the bottom. The bird must be able to see the water inside. You must make sure that the screen encloses the entire tarp all the way to the ground with additional screen laying on the ground. It should resemble the shape of a tent, when you are done. It does not have to be large; six feet by six feet would be sufficient. Lay something with some weight on the excess screen around the entire perimeter of the tarp, ensuring that the screen is not going to blow up from the wind. It needs to be firm so when the bird goes in to drink the water and gets caught inside the enclosure, he is not able to free the screen lose at the bottom when he starts to fly. The bird won’t realize he can’t get out until he starts flapping his wings and comes in contact with the interior edges of the screen enclosure. There must be an opening at the bottom that the bird can see. (Eight inches by eight inches would be ideal.) This is a great way to catch all types of birds. Remember they need water just like we do, and when rain is few and far between, a water trap will work time and time again. One of the keys to removing your catch is running toward the bird once it is inside your trap. The bird’s natural instinct is to fly straight up, and once it tries to fly you’ve got him. Do not try and grab him by undoing the enclosure. Grab him from the outside, keeping the bird inside of the screen. Keep in mind, unlike other birds, doves do not bite; they are a very sweet mannered bird. Also remember to always be humane; take its life fast when you catch one.