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Economics and Investing:

The Pension Problem Is Worse Than You Think [1] – G.G.

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If The Economy Is Fine, Why Are So Many Hedge Funds, Energy Companies And Large Retailers Imploding? [2] – M.A.

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Items from Mr. Econocobas:

Video interview: USA Watchdog -Craig Hemke-Get Physical Metal Because the End is Coming [3]

Video- Mike Maloney Hidden Secrets of Money- Episode 6.. [4] – If you have not seen the first five episodes, I would strongly encourage you to do so… They are all very well done.

Items from Professor Preponomics:

Terrorists: A Dangerous and Costly Economic Threat [5] (Fox News)

WSJ Reports: U.S. Pursuing Criminal Charges Against RBS, JP Morgan [6] (Reuters)

$3,115,688: Taxpayer’s Tab for Obama’s Golf, Vacation and Daughters’ NYC Trip [7] (CNS News)

Clinton Foundation Running Private Equity Fund in Colombia [8] (Washington Free Beacon)

Mollycoddled: Why Wall Street Expects a Band-Aid for Every Boo-Boo [9] (Contra Corner)

Is the Economy Overheating? It’s Hard to Say. [10] (New York Times) Commentary: This is an interesting conversation about the economy and its complexity, especially in light of the myriad and extraordinary policy interventions of the last several years. It’s no surprise that many people feel confused and that, in their confusion, they may draw incorrect conclusions about the meaning of the data.