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Odds ‘n Sods:

Beware, your lock screen passcode probably isn’t very secure: 75% of us start secret patterns from a corner, study reveals [1] – JBG

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Uniformed Officer Booted From Chuck E Cheese Over Duty Handgun [2] – D.S.

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Disconnected is the new security feature: How hyperconnectivity is dangerous to human civilization [3] – D.S.

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Now THAT is real survival: Nurse sets own broken legs while trapped in car after crash [4] – T.P.
“I noticed my feet were real broken,” she said. “They were twisted to the side. My little nurse brain was like, you’ve got to straighten those up because you’re going to…lose your blood supply and then you’re going to lose your legs. I just prayed for a while and so I then picked them up and I moved them. It was really painful but I did it.”

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ZeroGov is launching a new book: A Vision for an Unshackled Humanity: Volume II [5] is a compilation of essays from 2012-2015. By the way, it was launched on August 24 in honor of William Wilberforce who was born on that day.

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The latest from over at the “Thoughts from Frank and Fern” blog: Daddy, I’m Hungry… [6]