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Letter: The $100 Bet on Greece


As I write this, Greece and its financial woes are in the news again. There is nothing especially surprising about that, as Greece has been there before. Greece has been in a state of “soft default” since at least 2009. For the last five years Greece and the EU have engaged in on again – off again negotiations trying to tap dance around what has become known as “The Greek Debt Crisis”. The can, as they say, has been kicked down the road several times.

At the end of this month (June 2015), Greece is due to cough up about $1.8 billion in an interim payment to the EU. The Greek government has already said they will have to borrow the money to be able to make the payment. How quaint.

But is it different this time? It just could be. Up to now, the two players in this comedy/drama have been the European Union and Greece. The EU has talked tough, but typically has caved in at the last minute, fearful of Greek threats to leave the EU, abandon the Euro and re-issue their own currency. The EU responds with bridge loans, deadline extensions and increased demands. Greece, for its part has enacted some financial austerity measures, tax increases, and regulatory control, all of which have been quite unpopular with Greek citizens. Demonstrations and riots by the population protesting austerity have been common, and the Greek economy is suffering near depression level devastation.

In January 2015, Greece elected a socialist, Alexis Tsipras, to the office of Prime Minister after he promised a hard stance toward the EU and elimination of much of the financial austerity the EU was demanding. Sort of the Greek equivalent of a car in every garage, two chickens in every pot and forgiving your debt.

The Bet

If you had $100 to spread on the possible outcomes of the current Greek payment dilemma, how much would you put on each possibility? Here are the choices as I see them.

Here is where I would put my $100.

Now for the explanations.

Well, now you know where I would put my money. In the end, I believe Greece and the EU will both blink. How would you bet? Just don’t bet the rent money that Choice #4 won’t happen! – NCL