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Odds ‘n Sods:

The FBI Is Very Excited About This Machine That Can Scan Your DNA in 90 Minutes [1]. – T.P.

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This is how preppers are treated in Germany [2]. This guy built his basement as a safe bunker for his family, including food, air and water filtration, and other stuff. Some neighbor told the police (OPSEC!) and destroyed everything, because he stocked up on ammo. That’s not allowed there. He had no license. The site is in German, but you can use Google Translate to read it. – CDV

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New DHS immigration rules: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top deportation priorities [3]. – P.M.

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Intel boss’ warning on cyber attacks no joke, say experts [4]. – M.H.

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When Guns are Outlawed, they go after Knives [5]. – T.P.