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I’ve Discovered I’m A Prepper, by H.H.

How did I get here? About a year ago, I was covered up with apples from my one, lonely apple tree in my back yard. (I have since planted another.) I ate some, gave some away, canned a lot of apple butter, but I still had about a bushel basket of apples left. Not wanting to waste them, I did an Internet search for ways to can the remaining apples and found some great information. I ended up canning applesauce and apple pie filling, too.

This Internet search for ways to can apples led me to many prepper and survivalist sites. Initially, I thought, “Okay. I believe in planning for the future, but that’s all that I have in common with THESE people.” I always thought that survivalists were those odd ducks or crazy people who stood on the streets with signs proclaiming the end is near and who lived in underground bunkers. I was wrong. It turns out these everyday Americans are just like me. We’re your friends, neighbors, church family, coworkers, et cetera. We are aware of what’s going on around us, and we don’t want to be caught in the panic of those who weren’t ready, or worse yet, thought the government would take care of us. (Can you say “Katrina”?)

Who am I? I am a middle-aged Christian wife, a mother of three adult children (two of whom are married), and a grandmother to two wonderful grandkids. I live in a rural area just outside a small, Midwest town, and I am a teacher at a small, rural school. I was raised on a farm, as was my husband. My husband and I were each in 4-H for over ten years. (That’s how we met.) My grandparents taught me many skills. They lived through the Depression and felt that there were things I should be able to do. They told me, “This may come in handy some day.” They were right.

I’m the lady who lives next door. I have flowers in my yard. I put lights on the front of my house and a nativity scene at Christmas. I ride my bike, kayak, and walk for exercise. My husband and I love to go camping. I’ve been told that I make fantastic cinnamon rolls and cheesecakes. I like to read, take photographs, eat ice cream, and laugh with my friends. I complain about the government and too many lazy people in the world. I’ve been told that I’m very organized. I’m a night owl, but my job requires me to report at 7:45 in the mornings. I love to eat homemade ice cream, and so I make it often. (Did I already say that?) See? I am the lady next door!

There’s nothing special about me. I am NOT a prepper or a survivalist! Am I? I mean I do believe in preparing for the future. I do believe in saving for a rainy day. I do believe in living a healthy lifestyle. After being cut off from neighboring towns during a flood several years ago, I began preparing even more than before. While others were panicking because the grocery stores and Walmart were flooded, I simply lived my life and ate the food I had in my home. So what have I done to prepare for TEOTWAWKI? I’ll tell you. I’ll also tell you what I want to do to be further prepared.

What skills do my family and I have? We can:

What plans have I made for my family’s survival? Let me tell you about them:

Plans for the future: I have made plans in every area, but I also need to practice scenarios with my family. We need to know what to do when it is TEOTWAWKI. A couple of friends and I have discussed helping each other, if needed. We already share garden produce, home-canned goods, and eggs. We have casually discussed what we could each do to help, based upon our strengths and weaknesses. These are people I can trust, but we need more like-minded people to survive worst-case scenarios. Who do we include? We need to be careful in discussing this. I don’t want all of my work to go down the drain by the wrong people knowing what I’ve done. Loose lips sink ships.

Hmmm. Maybe I am a prepper.

Why am I telling you this? Well, I guess I want to share what I’ve done to help my family. Maybe something will help you. Maybe you’ll discover something you’re doing right or something you forgot to do. I want you to know that it’s okay to live in the present while preparing for the future. I want you to know that you don’t need to live in fear. I want to network with like-minded people. I want feedback from those of you who have been at this far longer than I have and have far more knowledge than I do. I have faith that God will take care of me, but He did give me a brain and He expects me to use it. Thank you for indulging these ramblings of an ordinary woman who discovered that maybe she is a prepper!